Chapter 9-Olly's sis entrapped

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Eric's pov

I was returning home through the woods, love howls were escaping from my lips; when I touched her lips,I felt I'm tasting royal honey,as if I don't need any food to survive anymore,I can live on this honey. I know,at first she was shocked but how she kissed back ,it showed she was waiting for it very long..............

Now, I have to return to my mom,she is alone at home,I am her only ray in life;it's very shameful that,my mom wasn't dad's mate....Oh ! why am I thinking these in such joyous moment of my life?

I've got my mate !!!!

When I am about to reach my tiny wooden home I felt my inner wolf saying me to go to northern forest; as far I know,Olly lives near that forest...but why I have to go? then I perceived sharp pain in my Olly getting some agony???

I reached her home inhaling her cute strawberry scent....I was stopped by a normal small house; Olly was crying sitting in front of it;an woman was sitting beside her,seemingly her mother.

"Olly, what happened baby? why are you crying?",I asked with deep concern.

"Eric !! how did you come here?",she asked and the woman observed me as if the wolf scent disgusted her.

"I'll tell you later,now say what is your problem?",I questioned

"My sister is missing ! well, actually not missing,a witch captivated her,she mistakenly ate the 'Precious Corns' of the witch",she stated.

"Don't lose courage; if witch has devil power,we have holy power;we can daunt her & set you sister  free; you have special song power,don't ever forget that",I  tried to encourage her.A craze urged on me to cling her  but her mom is here.

"So,you are mates",I feel joy and concern in her mom's words.

" did you know?",she asked her likely being surprised.

"It's nothing,just the way you look at each other....",saying this she tried to hide something.

"Was that so obvious?",me and Olly asked at the same time !! and her  mom smiled sweetly even in such sorrow.

"Olly, do you know where does the witch live?",I  asked in concerned voice.

"In the western forest,the magical powers surround that corner of forest,it's very hard to reach there",she  breathed,"And it's harmful for your pack,witches and wolves are arch rivals you know".

"But,it's my duty to  make my mate happy",through my  voice I tried  regale her; and I don't know what she did to me,as I felt it's my duty to stand by her,support her !! is it a mate power?

She smiled lightly on hearing my words.

"Be safe,don't cross the limits" ,her mom cautioned.

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