Chapter 7-My life after nightmare

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Olivia's pov,

I am on my cozy bed right now,try to think about the earlier chain of matters swirling my life in dramatic way. Yesterday Eric, Alma and Giani took me home; my mother was sobbing calmly then,through the face of Oshea's face I understood mom's agony.

But ultimately She became happy that I came home. She don't want me to go to school for some days, Rosie aunt messaged mom,"Everything is not well for Olly,she needs protection".I can't ruin my studies for some horny bastards; they can't terminate my life. I'm verily happy how I got protection and care from the wolf pack; who says 'werewolves and werebirds can't go together' ?

"Olly, Oshi, breakfast is ready",mom shouted and I came downstairs. The cool breakfast with apple juice, fruit salad, sugar corns.....really yummy!!

"Sis,let's roam around nearby woods", Oshea suggested.

"No,it's not perfect time",mom quickly said.

"Mom,we won't go dense,just here and there,near the maple trees".

"I object it,you are only allowed to enjoy in  home", mom strictly said.

So, I have nothing to do,though I kinda miss my friends, specially Eric, thinking the incidents I couldn't say anything to mom. I told the pack,Jose yearns for being Empire werebird defeating me but I didn't tell them about my special song abilities; they may not believe, but I desire to tell Eric ! what will he do when he'll know about my ability to bring rains and sunbeams?

One week later:-

After a really long tiring week today I went school. My human friends Lisa, Anne started saying creepy stuffs as usual,but I didn't talk much.

Having completed first, I was about to go in second class,suddenly my eyes are stopped on two beautiful brunette girls wearing neon colored dresses; but when I saw their faces a cold shower of fear went through my body. They are the very arm-candy babes of Jose !!

What are they doing here? Are they spying on me? Will Jose attack me again? I should keep those 'Magic nuts' with me always to prevent problems.

My mind was clouded with such thoughts suddenly I heard a tender voice "what is wrong Olly?"

I couldn't see when Eric came & stood by my side; "Nothing, it's just...." ,I was hesitating to tell him the reason,but finally told,"I think Jose is spying on me, I saw his seductresses a while,as soon as he gets me alone,he'll attack me".

"He can't attack you, I told our pack girls to protect you, and I'm always here for you",saying this he gave me most romantic look,in which I had to melt .

"I can bet ,you want to say something,but don't know how to",he said.

"Yeah, I want to say something,but it's not right place,anyone can eavesdrop....", I answered;

"Let's go in  some desolate place",he suggested, "What about the class?",I had to ask.

"Skip it",his sweet answer made me agreed.

"Eric,do you know why is Jose so envious of me?",I said in murmuring voice.


"My songs can bring rains and sunbeams....when I'm human it'll bring rains and when in bird from,It'll bring out the sun from cloudy sky",I answered breathlessly.

"Really? how could it be possible? when did you possess such quality",his enthusiastic questions puzzled me.

"From the time of my eighteen birthday,I developed it, and Jose developed storm-bringing songs ! his songs bring storm,thus he thinks he is stronger and righteous to be the empire,he wants to captivate me",saying this I felt my eyes got teary.

"But,he needs to understand, Emperor comes from creation not destruction".Eric is right,but Jose won't understand it.

"Baby,I think you are depressed,let's walk a while".

When we were walking through the light woods, the fallen leaves,long trees,wild berries were welcoming us,suddenly he asked," Are we together now?"

Having said this he gave me most adorable affectionate cutest sweetest puppy dog eyes;his black eye balls were glistening like precious black pearls,how can I say no to those eyes,but a naughty idea came in my mind; I know he is feverishly waiting for answer !!

I took off my pink rubber band from my wrist and slid it in his hand !!!

I softly muttered,"It's emblem of our togetherness" and he held my hand tightly.

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