Chapter 12-Face to face

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Eric's pov 

It's now or never battle for us;we must win otherwise we'll be captivated by them; but we have to win in the war of nerves.I spoke to all guys to keep nerve calm;don't know if it will work out or not...


We proceed through the bluish green forests, Olly started to sing,other werebird girls are singing with her to make the song more loud; my friend Fidel  is staring at a girl without a wink....what a time to find soul mate!!!!

Ultimately the sky becomes  cloudy and it started to rain....the pattering sound created a music,the trees are more green being washed in the rains; we are near the witch's arena...don't know what will happen next...but the raining speed increased,it's pouring now!! Olly's face reddened,she looks more sexy (sorry,it's not right time)!!

Though it's raining,we are very tensed; at first we lost to them; if it happens twice we are destined to be in their chains.Life is so cruel,it hardly gives time to love, troubles are eternal!!

They started throwing the fire balls....and those are abolished even before being formed totally; rains put off the fires; they are so astonished with it,the drummers can't get energy,the drum beats are very slow now. Finally the magic is not working; some boys came to fight but when they understood,death is their path on fight against us,they flew away. We all ate holy peas today;in our society,it's used as a symbol to win over foes...

When they are at bay they sent two beautiful girls to seduce us,those hotties started to dance but our pack alpha whispered to me,"Go to the west corner,Oshi is kept there,follow the oak gall tree route".

I informed it to all,we all should go there,but we must not confuse the witches about our activity,so I took Sergio and David with me,a few werebird guys Lucio,Fabio,Leah also accompanied us.

We broke the chains from it's leg....and quickly it sat on Fabio's shoulder,certainly she was in bird form; the werebird guys rejoiced seeing this and Fabio blushed like new bride.I think there is something between them.But still,she can't phase into human; she needs to feed the 'Magic nuts' to be human again.

I signaled alpha Stephen that 'Mission Accomplished'!! he advised to come out of the forest through this west route. They'll take another route to come out.

Eventually we reached in our own arena; our tribe welcomed us; all are tired but in mood of celebration.

Fabio has gone to feed Oshea the magic nuts so that she can phase.He took her in desolate corner as when she'll be human,she would be without clothes;Fidel and Natalia,Lucio and Maria are kissing as if it's now or never!!

Adventitiously a pair of hands embraced me,a pair of lips attacked my lips; I felt Olly in my arms; we both are soaked totally and so the pack!! we all wet; though it's  drizzling ,none is here to care;the rains added a music in our celebration; today there is no difference among the wolves and birds; me and Olly dreamed this so long.Now, I hold her waist,her hand adores my neck.......

Oh my God! a person targets an arrow toward her!! she is totally unconscious about it. Now,the arrow is thrown,I've to do something!!

I fell on the ground with her;my eyes were closed though I heard a sound of arrow penetrated on a log!!

"Chase the hunter",I heard Stephen screaming;I was so bewildered,I couldn't say anything.The hunter must be a follower of Jose; I beheld Olly's face,she is silent in fear.Others are also silent.We decided to enter in our pack house; we shouldn't stay here long this way,unprotected.

In fact I believe Jose encouraged the witch to chain Oshea so that Olly becomes busy and he can wage a new group of his supporters!!

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