Chapter 3

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I jumped on bed and Largen my Suitcase. I bring my suitcase everywhere apparently. I opened it and took off my robe, Revealing me being an older person than before. (I was about to use girl but then I realized that One of my friends is a boy and he's going to read this book.)

I put on one of my pajamas and put the spell in once again, This time on my Pajamas. I didn't want to creep Ollie and Molly out. My pajamas aren't even Pajamas. It's just some stripped pants and a food shirt. Somehow, It fits that I have sense of style. Which I don't.

A knock can be heard. A voice can be heard too. "Ms. (L/N), It's time for dinner." A girl. Since I couldn't recognize the voice, I think it's the mother.

"Sure." I said simply. I Took a hair tie and tie my hair into a Ponytail. (I gave up) I took a slipper out of my Suitcase and put it on. I changed it into different types of style so I could see which is best. I chose a blue slipper.

I went out and saw Torrie waiting. "You look, The same..." She creeped out.

"Yeah. To Not freak Ollie and Molly out." I answered.

"They brought a friend. Look at the door in front of you."

I walked to the door in front of me and saw the name.

Annette's Room. I wonder who that is.

Torrie grabbed my right hand and ran downstairs to the Dinning room. She ran Not too fast and not too slow, seems like she's a medium to sports. Then she stops and pants. Never mind.

"Get me water." She pants.

"Aquamenti." I spelled. My wand pointing to her mouth. Water sprayed in.

"TOO MUCH!" She gargled. she dropped some to the fancy carpet but It's left dry.

I stopped and she drank softly. "Calmness.... LETS GO!" she dragged me again.

When we reached the room, I saw a girl with dark hair, dark brown eyes and a head band on. She wore a red shirt and black pants on. She looks like an age Molly and Ollie is. 11.

"Hi. I'm Annette Chang." She offered a hand.

"Hi. I'm (F/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you." I accepted The hand.

We got to know each other well. Learned that Annette is new to the school and hasn't got a crush. Or does she?

We ate some spaghetti as well. Met new friends and went back to my room.

I wrote a letter for Newt.

Dear Newt,

I know we talked today in Diagon Alley, but why not send you a message now. I really wish that you're with me. I met a new student/ friend also today. Annette Chang. She's really nice. I'll send a letter tomorrow. Bye!

From, (Y/N) Malfoy.

I gave it to Dream and she flew out of the window. I lay on my (F/C) bed and the spell ran out. My body went back to normal height, even though it changed a little. I went back to a 24 year old Woman/Man. (I don't know what to do with this book anymore)

A knock was heard on my door. "Come in!" I shouted. The walls a soundproof apparently but not the doors so, great!

The door opened, revealing Annette. Why would she be awake in 12:00 am?

"Sorry, If I woke you up." She apologized. She inside of my room, amazed that my room is white walls, photos stuck on the walls and fairy lights everywhere. (Just imagine a Tumblr room or something)

"What makes you come to my room?" I questioned.

"Look, I- wow." I stood up, revealing a 24 years old woman. (I gave up again.) "Kay, um."

"Don't be weirded out," I calmed her down, "I did told you at dinner that I'm no 12 years old girl."

"Anyways, I'm saying that I'm weirded out that everyone in this house has abilities excluding Molly's mum and dad, I don't have one." The atmosphere turned to scared and worried.

My room's lights dimmed. My walls became grey. My bed, ocean blue to Dark blue.

"What happened?" I asked. Confused about my room, why did it change?

"What what happened?" She questioned. Can she see this?

"My room turned darker." I stated.

"It's the same." Annette pointed out.

Am I going Insane? Is this the message why the darker aura is around me?

What is happening to me?


I'm so confuse apparently.

So a boy , character Ollie, is going to read my book so I'm worried. I don't know if I go back to Reader as a girl or /boy????

Fun fact: Annette Chang is also inspired by my friends. Also, a sister of Cho Chang!

I'm currently in Starbucks apparently and this person is staring at me. Help.

Peace Out, Angels!

Problem? Book 2 = Newt Scamander X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now