Chapter 5

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~Newt's P.O.V~

(Y/N) Lend me a place to stay in, she gave the the keys. She let me live in her house in New York since I didn't finish the job to visit Tina and Queenie.

In 12:00am, I received (Y/N)'s Letter. It was cute when she send it even though we met today. well, yesterday. C-C-cute?! Sure we dated once, but when did I ever stutter?

Of course, When It's embarrasing to say the word.

Should I send back the letter? I couldn't. I could.

A knock can be heard at my door. "Coming!" I shouted.

I walked to the door and opened it. Two people appeared, Tina and Queenie. How come they know where Her house is?

"Newt, never know you got a house." Tina figured. I gestured them to come in and they agreed.

"Nice house!" Queenie Complimented.

I showed them the way to the Dining Room so they wouldn't see upstair. (Y/N)'s and my room.

"Rule is, Do Not go upstairs, I don't want you touching things because they have been arranged neatly." I ordered. They nodded and roam around the Dining room for a while and went to the Living room, which is connected with the Dining room.

"Newt, What's this?" Tina pointed to a badge. A Slytherin badge.

"Nothing." I shrugged and spelled it to get away and change to Hufflepuff for a while.

"Why did you guys come here in 5:00am?" I asked.

"Just visiting and Tina wanted to ask you if you finished your book?" She asked.

"Yep." I Grabbed a copy of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' right upstairs. I ran upstairs of course.

"Thanks, I'll read it." Tina thanked.

I smiled with of course, glee.

I once had a crush for Tina, Till I met (Y/N) Once again.Breaking my walls of Love life.

How did we break up? Did we even?


They left after 1 hour because they need to sleep. Since its 6:00am.

Then I hear screaming in (Y/N)'s room. Panicked, I ran there to check.

The door was shining bright lights and the door was opened big enough for me to peak in.

I went to see a little peak and That was my biggest regret.

I saw Torrie and A girl stuck in cages. I believe The girl's name is Molly? Not important.

They were panicking, afraid and their expression was telling me they're worried.

I couldn't stand it and Opened the door to save them until a voice boomed.

"I warned you."

Then everything went pitch black. I hear an even louder scream In the room. Such horror.

I couldn't sleep this night/ Morning due to interruptions. Tina and Queenie and The screams In my angel's Room.

A-a-a-angel's??? (N/N). Nothing suspicious!

Then the light went back on. Curious about what happened, I opened the door to see nothing but a mess.

I put a spell in the room to tidy it and borrow a Quill.

I took a piece of paper and realized Dream was still on my window.

Dear (Y/N),

        I just saw Torrie and Molly in your bedroom screaming in cages. What happened? It was interrupting my sleep but I'm more worried in their lives. There was a voice that I couldn't understand properly but I guess it said "I warned you?".

From: Newt Scamander

I gave it dream immediately and she flew off. Dream is a She of course.

I look over to the window and see a peace and quiet view. Nothing like Hogwarts, the future.

Year 2, I wonder what it's like.

Your P.O.V


I woke up early, since I'm an early bird. Don't judge, K?

My family calls me their favorite daughter, even though I'm their one and Only. So, it's a habit to make breakfast for them.

Not even in a rush, taking my time, I change and take a shower. The water was warm, I guess.

After a warm shower, I change to a white, innocent summer dress/(clothing of your choice).

I ran downstairs to the kitchen to see Victoria with lots of letters.

"Oh! (Y/N)! Your letter." She handed me a letter that looks older than the present one.

To: (y/f/n) Malfoy
From: Newton Artemis Fido Scamander.

It's Newt's!

"So, Vee, why are you so up early?" I asked Torrie.

"Vee, yeah sure call me that but I'm more comfortable with Torrie," she replied, "I'm an Early bird and a Night owl which I'm confused off. I always make sure everything is in place for a day to be perfect."

I nodded, to show I understand why while she smiles at me.

"I'm here to make breakfast." I answered before she even asked the question.

A light bulb appeared on top of her head and starts to go to the fridge. Curiosity took over me, I walked to her.

She handed me yogurt, Peach and Apples.

"Cut those," she pointed at the apples, "as fries. Cut peaches as the yolk of the egg while the Yogurt could be the white thingy that appears in an egg."

I nodded and does the orders while she watches. My cooking ability is good actually, My mom taught me.

"Dude," Torrie realized, "Today is the day to go to Hogwarts."



I didn't get that much inspiration because I'm in different Phases like 13 Reasons Why.

But it's ok. Still doing this book cause why not?

Peace Out, Angels!

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