Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lisbon had never been so terrified in her life. What the hell had just happened? That was three hours ago. Patrick had come out of his sleep and he seemed happy to her, but then what was going on with all that table crap and the sky was down how was one's sky get that way. Then when he body went rigid, a part of her wanted to turn away but she held on to him so tightly when they pulled her from the room she didn't want to let go. That was two hours ago. She looked up when Dr. Argentina approached.

"What happened in there? Don't give me that crap about not being able to tell me he put me in charge and I need to know. He was speaking all weird, is he going to be okay?" Lisbon was trying but it was hard to keep her professional mannerisms going.

"We put him on an anticonvulsant that should stop that from happening again for now. He's still unconscious. When he wakes up and if he he's coherent there will be big decisions to make."

"What kind of decisions?" she asked trying to hide her emotions.

"Do you have any idea how long he had these headaches? Has he been acting strange lately?"

"Are you familiar with Patrick Jane? He works for the CBI but do you know what he does for us exactly?"

"No, I'm not familiar with him. I just moved here to Sacramento but when his name came up there was a buzz all around so I'm guessing he's more than just a consultant.

"Jane is sort of a celebrity here not just in Sacramento but the whole state, hell everyone in the world knows his name. He used to have a great national talk show where he reunited folks with their loss love ones. He communicated with the other side. He also would help the police department track down killers. He was helping with the Red John Murders, and well he taunted him on live television only to come home and find that he had murdered his wife and child. He didn't like the fact that Jane was talking about him on TV, or the fact that he was well a fake."

"I see. Well what does this have to do with his behavior or if he was showing any other systems?" she asked.

"He's been highly trained in a lot of mental games. He could be having all kinds of systems but he knows how to slow his heartbeat or if anyone was seeing anything that could be an indicator he could use hypnosis so that they wouldn't notice. He once told me that he worked for three weeks needing his appendix removed and no one was wiser until he collapsed at a live showing. He bragged about it, sort of his on rendition of Houdini. If he was sick I'd never known. I just noticed in the past week I thought this was the flu or something. Please tell me how bad is it? You can't expect me to make decisions and then only tell me part of the story."

"Agent Lisbon I noticed how you refer to him as Jane and he uses your surname as well. The two of you are close any one watching closely can see. I hear you say that he works for the CBI so I'm guessing that they might be some kind of rule about people being together so anything you tell me is safe. Are you involved romantically?"

These questions were getting downright personal. What did that have to do with anything? Lisbon thought to herself. She tried to hide blush in her cheeks when she thought about she and Jane together. Sure they had been together for so long and if he wasn't still living in the past with his wife she often thought that by now maybe they could be together, but no they weren't together. "No. Jane and I are friends, he's my best friend." Lisbon stated.

"He's really going to need you right now Agent Lisbon. On the CAT scan we found a mass on the right side." He stated in terms she could understand.

"Mass." She gasped. "Are you telling me that Jane has a brain tumor?" she asked hoping that somehow she misunderstood.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. He is going to need you; he's going to need anyone that's important to him. So if he has family I would try and get a hold of them." She quickly squeezed her shoulder and left her there stunned in the corridor.

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