Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Okay so maybe killing her wasn't an accident." Jane stated.

"Who said anything about it being an accident, do you see anything that states that it was an accident?" Lisbon asks awaiting his answer.

Jane had to think on his feet. Apparently this was the first killing on this side of the looking glass.

"You would think it was an accident, how he just placed her back here. She looks like she's sleeping. What's her name?"

"This is Libby Matters; she attends Holly Oak Junior High. She was going to be class queen; she went missing three nights ago, after she never showed up after cheerleading practice."

"She's so young, they didn't pick her after, they expected her to walk home after practice?"

"Jane it's a safe neighborhood, no one is as paranoid as you. You know what goes bump in the night most families just think that there child is safe once it comes to a place like this. No one knows that monsters also live in houses with little white fences and alarm systems." Lisbon sighed.

"I wanna see the school, come on Lisbon." Jane quickly exited the crime scene. He had to get on point. No one mentioned anything about his last blackout so he assumed it must've been a while ago. He had to work quickly to get his facts because he didn't know when he'd jump again. Eric Bana made it seem so much cooler in the movie.


Teresa Lisbon watched from the window as they settled Patrick into a new bed. They said that this one would be more comfy since it looked like he would be there for a while. The ward was abuzz over the fact that Andy Mayer was there and that Patrick Jane was her son. She was sure that the news crew would be there in no time. She just couldn't believe this was happening. He hadn't woken up since the last seizure. They finally started him on the meds that were to help relieve the pressure and hopefully get to shrink the tumor.

"Here I thought you could use a cup." Andy smiled as she offered her a cup of coffee.

She took a sip and realized this wasn't the cheap stuff from the cafeteria.

"I got someone to run down the street to a Starbucks for us, they saw that I was upset." She shared.

"You know up until a few hours ago I had no idea who you were, I asked a friend of mine to run your name and she just looked at me like I was the biggest idiot around."

"Patty Cake Cosmetics has become a household name, our age rejuvenating line works wonders, and we are proud that we don't do any animal testing."

"So you're Patrick's mother, I don't mean to be rude but the two of you look nothing alike. Well I see where he got the curls." Lisbon tried to smile but she still kept cutting her eye as the nurse's did there work. She was anxious to get back in there.

"Oh yes Patrick's grandmother, my mother was of African Descent. You can't tell by looking at him, or his sister no I guess coming from a strong Irish father it cancelled out all traces of my family's background."

"Yea, wait Patrick has a brother?"

"Oh my you haven't met Sammy yet? Sammy is well if you can take a super dose of Patrick then you can handle Sammy. I haven't seen him in three years. Patrick is the only one that really keeps up with me. He tries his best to call once a week sometimes twice He's angry with me right now but I'm still his mother."

"You said you were arguing? What happened?"

"Everything I guess. The last time my son saw me I promised I'd be there to care for him when he woke up and when he woke up I was long gone and he was in a mental institution. I mean no harm really Teresa I didn't but after what that butcher did to my grandbaby. When I close my eyes I still see it. It haunts me day after day. Sometimes I try to scrub my hands but I can't seem to get it off of my hands."

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