Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The house of one Libby Matters was eerily quiet on this brisk Saturday morning. Where children her age should be up early watching cartoons, are awaking with a room full of friends after a sleepover of pizza and talking about boys one Libby Matters lying in her bed like a sleeping beauty with immaculate makeup was dead.

She had gone missing approximately three days ago; she had stayed after school for a yearbook meeting and hadn't been seen since. She was the second victim, it's looked like whomever killed her had killed Charlotte Xavier.

"Is everything exactly the same?" Van Pelt asked as she approached Cho who was the first on the scene.

"Yea, both of her parents are out of town. They'll be back tomorrow; she was staying with her aunt who said that Libby was sort of shy. She was standoffish because she suffered from Scoliosis. She said the people at her school didn't understand the disease and ignored simply her because of that fact."

"That's awful; she truly was a beautiful young woman." Van Pelt sighed looking at the little girl lifeless in the bed.

She quickly glanced at Rigsby, and was a little hurt that he wasn't really looking at her.


Wayne Rigsby looked at the girl in the bed and couldn't shake the sadness of her. She was truly beautiful. All that red hair sort of reminded him of Grace. He would like to take a moment to glance her way but then he would be reminded of what they did last night and he couldn't go back to that it was a mistake. A mistake that they both knew shouldn't have happened. It's not that they regretted it, at least he knew that he didn't he couldn't really speak for her. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts and focus.

"Second victim, so do we see any similar factors with Libby and Charlotte?" Rigsby asked.

"None that we can find off hand, Libby was a bit shy. No one at her school understood the disease she had so she was practically treated like a Leper." Cho added.

"That's awful." Van Pelt sighed.

"She wore a back brace, from what the aunt says it was a big piece of a thing, it's why her pajamas seem to be a big baggy. Looks like he kept it as some kind of souvenir." Cho added.

"That's truly sick, what could he possibly want with that? Did he keep something from Charlotte?" Grace asked.

"Not that we know of, we still have to talk to her folks. They should be arriving at any moment, they said they'd come to the precinct. I'll head back to start the questioning. I will call Lisbon on the way and give her briefing in case she decides to come in." Cho added and walked off from the other two agents.

Rigsby took one more look at the little girl and walked of gesturing for Grace to follow.

"So do you think she's going to come in today?" Grace asked once they were outside.

"I don't know, I mean Cho said that she didn't really say much about Jane's condition when they were on the phone last but his mom's here so it must be pretty bad."

"I'm really worried, I was thinking that if we get a break at lunchtime I'd go over and take him something to eat. I know he hates hospital food, and I know he loves Sarafina's Stir Fry. I could take him some, and something for him mom as well. Do you think she's coming in?"

"I don't know, I know if it was someone that I cared about nothing could keep me from being with them." Rigsby told her as he looked deep into her eyes.

"Yea, if it was someone I cared about nothing could keep me away either." She told him as she took a minute to stare in his eyes.

"Well we better get back to work." Rigsby stated nervously.

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