Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It hurt. That was the first thing that he realized, it freaking hurt. He thought it was how it was done in the movies, when a guy is in the wrong place he needs a shock a shock to get him back where he belonged. So he did it, he stepped off the curb and let that truck coming hit him with their best shot. It hit him alright and it hurt. Right now he didn't know which hurt the most, the pain from the actual truck hitting him or when his head hit the pavement and now what was that his brains going out over the highway? Was it really supposed to hurt this bad?

"Patrick!" he turned just in time to see his fake wife and daughter running up the street to his accident. Then he felt the familiar haze of losing consciousness. Oh he had never been so happy in his life.


Andy had called Teresa three times and she hadn't picked up. She didn't think that this was a trap. She was very smart, but it still didn't hurt to have the security of knowing that help was just a call away. What if this was a trap? She closed her eyes and did her best to go that place, that place that let her see beyond the veil of things, and she got nothing. She approached Snaps place and went to knock. The door was opened so she walked on in.

"Mr. Snaps I'm sorry I'm a bit late. Traffic is a real killer right about now." She inwardly cursed herself she couldn't believe that she had just said that.

She begin to ease around the corner in search of the photographer but he was nowhere in sight. Once again she was drawn to another whiteboard in the center of a room. She had to cover her mouth from screaming out loud at what she saw there. They were pictures of the young girls. Before and after she supposed, they started out as the smile of the young and innocent in their high school snapshot, but the next pictures were of them in lingerie. In obviously provocative poses, smiling to the camera, he was in the pictures with them. More proof that would help nail him to the ground, but then it dawned on her if all of this was out in the open, surely he knew what she was up too. All of a sudden her own death flashed before her eyes and she had to get out of there because she knew that it wasn't just her scary thoughts but an actual premonition.

For the second time that night she had to hold back a scream as she turned around and Thomas Snaps was there, and he had a knife.

"You don't want to do this Thomas, I'm working for the police and they know that I'm here." She did her best at bluffing.

"I seriously doubt that my friend." He smiled at her as he began to slowly advance on her.

"Oh really and how do you know that?"

"I've been jamming your signal sense you got here, and judging by how your clutching your purse and keep darting for the exit I' guessing that you didn't get through before you entered here. Now I think I' going to play with you for a little while." He lunged at her….

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