Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

She was numb. There was only one word to describe how she was feeling right about now and it was numb. Maybe it had something to do with the pain meds that she was on, yea that knife wound was going to hurt in the morning, but Andy was going to be okay…..eventually. It all came down to decisions and she told herself that she was doing the right thing but now that she stood here in a hospital room waiting for the person she loved more than anything in the world to be okay, she realized that maybe just maybe she made the wrong decision. I guess it's best if you knew the story from the beginning.

Four hours Earlier…..

"Code blue!" she heard them shout.

For a brief second she forgot all about Andy's cry for help because she ran back toward Jane's room. Once again the nurses were back but it was so much different this time. They were sliding him down in his bed and tearing open the shirt of his pajamas. It was like on all those tv shows that she watched but didn't dare tell anyone. He was about to shock him. They shocked him once, and she looked away she couldn't watch. She let out a breath that she didn't realize that she had been holding when the machine let out that familiar beat of a heart. Then they began to unhook machines as they removed his bed from the room.

"What's going on?" she asked a nurse she managed to grab as they zipped by her for the elevator.

"His heart stopped, and there's a bleed they have to go in."

"Go in, do you mean in his head, are they going to go in his head?" she asked panicked.

"I'm really sorry it's the best chance that he has, a doctor will find you I have to go."

She watched the nurse go and tried to stop her panicking but she was hyperventilating. They were about to open up his brain and do god only knows what. She had to get out of there, and that's when she remembered his mother.

"Shit." She muttered pulling out her phone. "Cho I need you to trace a phone for me. We got trouble." She talked into the phone as she called for an elevator. She knew that Jane was in the best care; his mother had made sure of it. They would make sure he survived and all she had to do know was make sure that his mother was alive when he woke up.


There was no pain. That was the first thing that Patrick Jane noticed when he opened his eyes. The second was that he was in a lovely garden just lying in the grass. Everything was perfect, he felt at peace. Just when he was about to drift back to sleep he was shaken by a little kick to the thigh. He opened one eye and his heart nearly stopped. Looking down on him was the familiar smile of one Charlotte Jane, but not the teenager he had grown accustom to in these past hallucinations, no this was the little cherubic face of his six year old daughter.

"Charlie?" he asked.

"Come on daddy, we've been waiting on you for so long." She giggled and took of down the garden he'd been lying in.

He got up and took off after her, and that's when he noticed his clothes. Gone was his typical three piece suit and replaced were a nice suit of white. When he caught up to her she had run up to another familiar figure. His beautiful Angela sat on a bench dressed in white.

"Angela?" he gasped.

"Hello Patrick, I've been waiting for you. Come here, we need to talk."


Andy Mayer had decided that if she was in fact going to die she was going to go with a bang and definitely not a whimper. She had fought and had managed to get the knife away from him. It was easy he was turning out to be rather gun, but when he put down the knife and bashed her in the head with a gun barrel then she realized now he was playing with power. She awoke in the back of his van and for the last few minutes she rode silently as he mumbled to himself.

"You can't do this, do you realize who I am?" she screamed from the backseat trying to buy some time.

"I know exactly who you are? You some old bitch trying to be a detective, what all those nights of watching Murder She Wrote you decide to be Mrs. Fletcher for real?" he smirked.

"I'm not that old!" she shouted being insulted by that Angela Lansbury reference.

"You just had to get in my business; I bet you don't even have a daughter named Patricia?"

"You're right I don't, I have a son and his name is Patrick Jane and he works for the CBI. The cops are probably following us right now. So you just find a street and I will hop out and I will not tell anyone what I saw."

"How stupid do you think I am? I know who Patrick Jane is, as much as he causes trouble with the government everyone knows who he is, I'm better off if I just kill you quickly and try to get away. Isn't that guy a psychic, bet he didn't see this coming?" He laughed.


Patrick wasn't entirely sure how long he had been there or where exactly here was? He had a feeling but to believe something like that he would have to throw logic out the window right along with all of his beliefs. He was lying on this bench and Angela was running her fingers through his girls like she did after every tapping and Charlotte was nearby in a meadow. A meadow! It was so perfect but how was it that it wasn't.

"You can't stay here." She told him gently.

"Why not, this is where I wanted to be for so long?"

"It's not your time Patty; right now they are tons of people fighting to save your life. You have to go back Patrick. She needs you."

"I need you! I can't take it anymore. He took the past thing that ever happened to me. He took you and he took Charlotte! This brain tumor is the best thing that ever happened to me, I'm back here with you where I belong. I should've died that night. No he just left me so that I would suffer, that I would have to go on living and realizing that you are not there. It hurts too much, and now Lisbon. I wake up every morning and I know that maybe surrounded by death and who knows what but I don't care because I just want to see her green eyes and smile. I can't get attached cause once I get attached he'll just take her too. This way she lives." He explained.

"You have to move on Patrick. We are safe and you have to make sure that monster can't hurt anyone else. You have to come clean with her and tell her the truth. You have to stop hiding behind your gift and use it openly. It can save a lot of lives because as you know it Red John is not the only monster out there. You have to keep the world a little safer."

Patrick wanted to be selfish. He wanted to close his eyes and take it in. Why couldn't he be happy in this, in this what he supposed was death. He wanted it all to be over, he wanted to rest.

"Why can't this be over?" he asked out loud.

"Because Lisbon needs you Patrick, she needs you just as much as you need her." A familiar voice spoke.

He looked up and was once again shocked at the person before him.

"No mom, please tell me you're not dead." He gasped.

Okay here's chapter nine. It blows like you would not believe but I needed it over because ten will be long and the end will be unbelievable. Now I have a question for you. Should Andy Mayer die?

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