Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Patrick Jane was a horrible person. He knew that, but he couldn't help it. He knew that on his timeline it had been a month. A month in this world that obviously wasn't real. A month since he woke up a psychic husband and father of two. A world where he was on sick leave after nearly being killed where he worked for the CBI fighting crimes and trying his best to find and make Red John pay.

He was finally figuring out the differences in this world. First thing first Kimball Cho was one of the funniest guys he ever met. That guy couldn't stop smiling. It was weird, and when he came over on a Sunday he was sort of afraid but then he brings in his wife Summer and their daughter Riley and it all makes since. IF he ever makes it back to his world he will make sure that he gets his "Pretty Woman". He had yet to meet Rigsby or Van Pelt. He knew they existed though, but he hadn't been back to work yet, that came tomorrow. When was another weird thing, because then he'd come face to face with Lisbon for the first time since this version of himself had been in his accident. This Lisbon that was with Bosco, how the hell did that happen? It was Red John. He was tamer here; he didn't kill his wife and daughter, in this world by using a gift that he'd been suppressing in the real world he came home in time to save them.

"Daddy, we going to the park right?" a small voice asked.

Patrick turned to see little Patrick Jane Jr. sitting there with a kite in his had waiting to go to the park. He knew that it was wrong and that little girls were dying in both worlds but right now he didn't care because this is what mattered he had a family.

"Go get your shoes."

He couldn't help but smile as the little boy went running off. No this was what mattered now. He quickly dressed and looked at himself in the mirror. He was happy, this was where he belonged, he would save the girls on this end. He was sure the real Lisbon could figure it out on his end. She had his mother, she would just have to help them find the connection it was right in their faces. He grabbed his coat and ran off to find his son, completely ignoring the sound of Lisbon shouting his name in his ear.


Lisbon turned away from the sleeping form of Patrick Jane and to the white board she had sat up in his hospital room. He was sleeping. He had been sleeping a lot now which they said was a good sign. She had seen the latest scans and the mass was shrinking which was good. They wouldn't have to operate. If they did that he could lose motor skills, or even worst some of his mental capabilities. She was staying here with him that's why they had moved the whiteboard into his room. Right now she was there with Jane and his mother. She was getting a bit antsy. She had shared with her that she often kept busy creating so she wouldn't have to deal with her psychic abilities. She still hadn't told any of the team Jane's secret. She hadn't gotten any real proof of it anyways. His mother didn't know him, she could be lying. She took another look at the board; she knew that the answer was right in front of her face she just had to find it.

Andy Mayer could feel Teresa looking at her but she was good at hiding away her emotions and ignoring a person. She wanted to help; well actually she had no choice. Hospitals were not a good place for her to be at the moment. She wasn't like her son, this was his bread and butter and he had been doing it for years so he knew how to keep it in the background. Not to give in to all the feedback that was screaming at her from the other patients in the hospital. The family across the hall awaiting the arrival of a new grandchild, it was things like that made her love her gift. Then she would think of Robert Anderson, he was in the room right across from them and he was in a coma, his pregnant wife comes and waits by his bedside every day for him to come out of his coma. He would, in the next three days he would wake up and they would start being a family. They would spend the next few months in bliss waiting for the arrival of their child, only for Robert to be struck by a drunk driver on his way to see the child being born. Times like that she hated being what she was. She needed to get out of there but she would stay for Patrick.

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