McCall 2.0

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"The stock market is based on two principles. What are they?" Scott raised his hand. "Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom. Anybody else?" Coach Finstock, who taught economics, asked the class.

"Uh, no, coach. I know the answer." Scott called out.

"Hahahahaha...Oh you're serious." Coach Finstock was surprised.

"Yes. Risk and reward." Scott answered his question.

"Wow! Who are you? And what have you done to McCall? Don't answer that. I like you better. I like you better." Coach Finstock pointed at Scott. "Does anybody have a quarter?" A quarter."

"Yep." Stiles answered, shoving his hand into his pocket to try and find the coin.

Something fell out of Stiles' pocket and his face dropped. Coach Finstock picked up what appeared to be an XXL condom and handed it to the flustered teen.

"Stilinski, I think you- dropped this." Coach handed Stiles the condom. "And congratulations."

Stiles looked horrified and shoved the condom back into the pocket; Lacey started laughing hysterically. Stiles turned and glared at her, making Lacey laugh even harder. When Coach Finstock started talking again, Lacey covered her mouth with her hand to try and muffle her laughs.

"Risk and reward. Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward. Okay, watch coach." Coach managed to get the quarter into the mug. "That's how you do it. Okay. Danny. Risk, reward."

"What's the reward?" Danny, a boy Allison introduced Lacey to, asked.

"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow." Coach announced.

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it." Danny pointed out.

"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point. Really. McCall. Risk, reward. The risk: If you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop... the... the quiz. And... and you have to write an essay. Risk, more work. Reward... No work at all. Or choose not to play." Coach offered Scott.

"No play." Scott decided.

"Okay. Who's next? Who wants the quarter? What about you, new girl?" Coach still couldn't remember Lacey's name. Fortunately, Stiles volunteered. "There ya go! There's a gamblin' man! Come on! Step up, step up. All right, Stilinski."

"Stiles." Stiles' Dad, Sheriff Stilinski, walked in the door just as Stiles went to attempt the game.

"Yeah, coach. I got it."

"Stiles." Stiles looked up and noticed his dad, stepping out of the classroom with him.

Lacey turned to Scott and noticed that he was listening in to their conversation. She made note to ask them about it later. Danny eventually agreed to play the game, stepping to the front and taking the quarter from Coach.

"Reward! Okay, who's next? Greenberg, put your hand down. You don't have a chance."

Later that day, Lacey found Stiles and Scott and she demanded that they tell her what was happening. After an intense eye conversation between the two boys, Stiles gave in and explained how his friend, Heather, had gone missing. She was also informed on a bigger problem they were facing, a pack of alphas. Lacey didn't really understand how that worked as they were all meant to be leaders, but just shrugged her shoulders and accepted it. After all, she had faced some pretty crazy things.

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