Bellodonna The Poison, Not The Porn Star

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Sam's phone started ringing, so he stepped out of the conversation to talk to whoever and called. Dean, Charlie and Lacey stood in a semi-awkward silence as Sam spoke on the phone.

"So, the toxicology report came back on Lance. Nothing. But the medical examiner said his body showed clear signs that he was killed by belladonna." Sam told them after the phone call ended.

"The porn star?" Dean and Charlie asked in unison.

Sam and Lacey exchanged looks and rolled their eyes at Dean and Charlie.

"The poison." Lacey corrected, glaring at her twin.


"Um, however, they couldn't find a trace of it in his system." Sam carried on.

"Just like they couldn't find ropes in Ed's apartment." Dean said and Sam nodded.

"Charlie, I'm gonna need to borrow your laptop." Sam told Charlie, so he could do some research on whatever was killing these people.

"There are no laptops in Moondoor." Charlie said and the three gave her a look. "What? There are rules. But there is a tech tent four tents down." She told him.

"Okay. How about you guys go canvas, and I'll dig into these accidents and this mark?" Sam suggested. When they all nodded in agreement, he walked out of the tent to go find the tech tent.

"Okay. I'm gonna need the full wiki on where you guys have been and who you are." Charlie pointed at Lacey. "But first, you're gonna have to ditch the suit and jeans if you're gonna walk and talk with the queen." Lacey let out a loud sigh.

Charlie handed Lacey one of her dresses and gave her a soft smile, showing her where she could change. Most of it was a dark navy blue, with a white fabric in the centre and flared sleeves. Lacey folded up her normal clothes and put her trainers on again, then walked back to where Dean and Charlie were.

Dean was in different clothes, and was standing in front of a mirror as he adjusted pieces of armour he was wearing. Why couldn't Lacey wear something like that?

"You sent Sam a phantom text from his ex? Dick move, sir." Charlie shook her head and Lacey's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, not my finest hour." Dean muttered, avoiding Lacey's glare.

"So he found some normalcy with this chick, and now it's gone... again. Thanks to you." Charlie cut in, guilt tripping Dean so Lacey wouldn't have to.

"Yeah, well, now he's more committed than ever, so there's that. But, trust me, this life- you can't afford attachments. You just got to... let go."

"So does that mean I have to let go of everyone back in California? Do I have to say goodbye to Stiles and Scott and Melissa and Kiera and Isaac?" Lacey asked him, her eyes pricking with angry tears. "How could you do that to Sam? After everything he's been through... after everything he's lost... I know you lost Lisa and Ben, but that didn't give you the right to do this. I-I can't even look at you."


Lacey put down her folded clothes and stormed out of the tent, pushing past a crowd of people outside.

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