Booty Shorts

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You were dancing.

In your head you were reciting the steps to your dance, bit by bit you were nailing it.

"Side step, loose assemblé, back step, hip curve, ground touch."

The rest of the studio watching your choreography, smiled from the playfulness you put into your steps. Cheering when you nailed a move just right, to a point where they couldn't help it.

You smiled and chuckled a bit when you heard your friend yell your name after you did your final "sexy" move.

When you finished your choreo, you swear you could hear your heart pounding from exhaustion.

Panting, you walked away from the mirror and curtsied to cheering the audience.

Your best friend "Snow" came up to you to give you a high five. After returning the favor, you laughed at the fact that she mimicked your "sexy" move in a stupid way.

"It wasn't even that sexy!" You chuckled.

"It was to me." She smirked.

"Sure." you said rolling your eyes.

If it wasn't mentioned before, your friend's name was "Snow" because of the fact that she was so damn pale. So pale, she could possibly blend in with the actual snow if she ever laid in it. But matched the current korean beauty standards very well.

Her arm over your shoulder, you two walked towards the hand bars to grab your stuff.

Both of you sat on the floor to pack up your stuff to get ready to leave. Right before you sat up your Instructor came up to you.

"That was really impressive Y/N."

"You really think so?!" you smiled.

"Definitely! You know, you've really reached to the stars these past months."

"Well I definitely try haha." You let out as you got up off the floor.

Your instructor chuckled a bit at that.


The awkward silence was interrupted.

"Next week then?"


You waved goodbye as you grabbed Snow's shoulder, making your way out of the studio. She looked at you in a funny way as you both made your way out. Almost devilishly.


"Oh you know what."

You scoffed.

", I don't actually."

"The instructor was totally staring at your ass."


"Oh come onnn, he's cutee."

"Yeah, and also like 7 years older than me."

Snow kept staring at you in the most annoying way.

"What now??"

"It's 'cuz of your booty shorts~" Snow smugly stuck her tongue out.

Looking down at your black shorts that probably were more that short, you frowned. Smacking her on the back of the head, you whined.

"Snoww you're embarrassing meee."

Snow rubbed the back of her head.

"Okay, okay...I'm just having a little fun that's all."

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