Cherry Flavored

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You felt like you were sleeping on a cloud. Resting like the "innocent" angel that you were, you hummed into the pillow. But your bed soon felt like hard floor. "Y/N!" Snow had yelled at you.

"Owwuhhh-" You moaned as you rubbed your back from the push to the floor from Snow.

"Rise n' shine pumpkin!" Snow suddenly changed her tone. "I gotta drive you to BigHit!"

You looked back down and fell in your sheets. You despised when Snow called you "pumpkin" or "sweetie." You didn't like names that made you feel younger than her as much as you already were. But you still love her.

"Alrighhhttt." You ached.

After finishing your morning coffee, you picked up your white baseball cap from the counter and slapped it on your head before running to grab your bag.

"Lets go?" Snow asked opening the apartment door.

"Yup." You said hesitently.

After arriving at the building, you hopped off the back of snows motorcycle and grabbed the extra set of car keys that you grabbed from the apartment. Rushing towards your car you quickly unlocked the door and got your original pair of keys out.

"Phew." You said holding the keys up to your chest.

"Got the keys?" Snow chirped.

"Mhm!" You nodded.

Snow ajusted on the seat of the motorcycle as she grabbed her helmet. "Cool, I'll seeya at home ya?"

Rushing towards the motorcycle, you stopped her.

"Wait! I forgot something." You huffed putting a hand up to your forhead.


"There's some personal paperwork that I didn't fill out yesterday."


"God this sounds like such a dick move but..." 

"Well??" Snow laughed.

"Well...can you please, please, PLEASE fill them out for me while i'm practicing today?" You looked at Snow with a pouty face. Tugging her jacket you pretend sniffed.

Snow put her hand to her forhead in hesitentness, and left you waiting for a while. Eventually giving in, she looked back up to you.

"Okay,'re my best friend afterall."

Smiling you let go of her jacket and gave her two thumbs up.

After asking for the paperwork from the lady at the front desk you handed it to Snow along with a pen.

"I'll sign my signiture later so don't worry about that part." You smiled.

"Okay." Snow grinned.

"Thank youuu!" You gave her a hug before running away to your destend fate of sweaty boys.

"So the beginning of the choreo is kinda like this." Hobi started before displaying his choreography.

You and Hobi were just warming up, while everyone else was still eating in the lobby outside the studio.

In awe with his choice in steps you followed along carefully.

"Okay okay I think I got the first part down."

You tried mimicking his moves, and jaw droppingly succeeded, with a few brushups you could probably mirror him exactly. Unfortunately you stuttered your steps on the last part, you chuckled and shook your head.

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