Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello one and all! This story has pretty much consumed my life in writing, it's honestly been one of my favorite stories to write in a LONG time. It's pretty much my baby and I giggle like crazy when I get to write more. It will be updated every Wednesday at 8pm EST! 

Also, any music on the side is a song that inspired said chapter. Not every chapter will have one but some will. Anyways, please comment, vote, and recommend! And as always, enjoy :3 


Saying that the cuffs were chaffing her wrist would be an extreme understatement.

Her entire wrist was red with dried blood constantly being coated with dots of new blood whenever the chain was yanked on that held her and the others in line.  Sigyn’s messy blonde braid fell across her shoulder, a few wisps out of place that stuck to her face from the mixture of blood and sweat that covered her.

Asgard was more beautiful than any of the travelers that came through her town had described. The thought of what her town now looked like brought tears to her eyes.

No. She wouldn’t allow herself to remember her home as it was now, broken defeated and in shambles. No, she would rather remember how it used to be with the rolling hills, the children playing games in the road and the men returning when night started to fall with that days hunting trophies. The small city that was in Vanaheim was now but rubble under the feet of these Asgardians.

Another pull from the prisoner in front of her jarred her from her memories. Her lips stayed in a pursed line, marching past the beautiful chamber room that held the King, Odin and his wife, the Queen, Frigga. The hallways were numerous; it was a wonder that the guards that came up and down the hallways didn’t get lost themselves. But of course the man that led them through the hallways presently had run through these very halls as a child.

Thor: God of Thunder, son of Odin and one day, the future king. His red cape fluttered down the hallway behind him, the line of prisoners being watched carefully by the warriors that protected Asgard.

She recognized all of them from the stories that her parents had told her. Sigyn’s throat became tight, it became hard to breathe and swallow. Her parents lay dead in the town square she once called home. She refused to cry though; tears would not save her now while she marched down to the dungeons.

The walls that were closer to the dungeon’s entrance were just as one would expect. The water that trickled down the walls from some unknown presence made the smell unbearable. The echoes were louder, the sound of the chains that bound her and the seven other prisoners ahead of her clanging across the cold stone.

The stone underneath her feet was unbearable as well; enemies of Asgard weren’t really allowed to grab shoes and a cloak before they were taken prisoner. Her shiver caught the eye of the one female warrior, Sigyn believed her name to be Sif. For a moment, Sigyn thought a look of remorse and sadness was caught in the terrifying warriors face, but if it was it wasn’t for long. Sif returned to face the direction they were walking, eyeing the other prisoners before they all came to a stop.

The smell of mold and death was even more overpowering than the hallways. The warriors that had been accompanying Thor departed to the left while they walked through the large doors that held the entrance to the dungeons. The sight of the cells themselves took her breath away.

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