Chapter 13

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A/N: So many of you ask for a chapter (or 2) on a weekly basis and it makes me smile! Even though the book is finished and on my laptop, I'm still sticking with one or two chapter releases a week, just to space it out. In this chapter, we go back to our man in green, yay! A few other important things happen and let's just say Chapter 14 is not that cheery... Vote, comment or don't, but as ALWAYS, enjoy!  

Art work: 


“I shall see you all tomorrow morning, thank you ladies.” Eir began to clean up after dismissing their lesson.

“I must meet my brother on some important matters. We must go to the top of the tower again and speak, perhaps tomorrow night? I am so eager to hear of you and your valiant warrior.“

Sigyn’s ears turned red again at the mention of her and Theoric. “I suppose, if you truly wish for me to make you jealous.” A smile played on Sigyn’s lips, her slightly mischievous nature coming through at last.  It only came through when she was truly comfortable, Véar smiled in recognition that her friend felt comfortable enough to joke with her.

“Then tomorrow night it is! Until then my friend!” She skipped down the hallway towards the entrance of the palace and down the rainbow bridge to meet Heimdall.

Sigyn sighed, realizing she needed to go and feed the prisoners and see Loki. The thought of seeing him again made her shiver. He had not taken the matter of his mother’s death well last night and she was in no mood to see how he was today. But still, she would do just about anything to stay on Odin’s good side and keep her freedom.

The prison sounded quiet, even though she was on the other side of the door. She cringed at the thought of Loki’s scream filling her head again. The door opened and she saw the menacing prisoner, but he wasn’t doing anything as she thought he might be. He was just standing there, pacing slowly with his hands laced behind his back. He didn’t even look up at her when she walked past him; in fact it felt like he wasn’t even looking at her but rather through her.

Moving down the hallway with the guards, she finally got to Loki’s cell. He didn’t even seem to look up when she walked towards the door; something was wrong. The guards seemed to notice it too and started to follow her to the door, but she put her hand up.

“It’s fine, I will call if I require assistance.” She knew he would only become more upset if more people came into the cell. Pushing the door open and shutting it behind her, she saw that the pacing Loki in his clean white-lit cell was not what was really going on inside the former prince of Asgard’s cell.

The real Loki sat leaning against the back wall of his cell. Everything was destroyed; black marks from his hands ran along the wall, blood trailed on the floor to his left foot, which was split open on the bottom. His hair wasn’t slicked back but rather disheveled, his green eyes dull like someone had tried to snuff the lights out inside. He looked to Sigyn, who sat the tray down on what used to be his bed.

“And now you see me for the real monster I am. The one that killed mother.” His voice softly said, his head rolling against the wall as if to look at her was real effort. He was broken, utterly and completely broken. The life seemed to have been drained out of him. 

Disfigured Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 1}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin