Chapter 7

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A/N: Wow!! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so far, I'll do my best to keep it interesting! So I consider last chapter a bit of a "filler", more or less to just allow our heroine to heal a bit and to have some pretty fantastic interaction with the lovely Theoric! Something pretty cool happens in this chapter that, well, sets up why some of the stuff happens in chapter 8. It's one of the more interesting I think, and again, pay attention to detail please! It's vital that you do, and it reveals a bit of the story if you guess right ;) The song on the side helps a bit too.. 

Also, I'll explain one of the OC's in the note before next chapter as well! Enjoy!

...Give your all, I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning. 

Even when I lose I'm winning. 


Morning seemed to come early yet again; her disorientation wasn’t as bad as the day before. Her jaw wasn’t as swollen nor her cheek and she was able to cut up some of her food and eat small pieces. Theoric must have given something to her during the night or perhaps in the soup she had recieved yet again for lunch. Whatever it was, she was thankful.

Sigyn looked up to see if Loki was still in the mood he had been when she went to sleep and to demand an answer, but the god was asleep. He appeared to be asleep last night when she awoke from her nap when Theoric came to care for her and this morning when she awoke from her strangely peaceful slumber. 

Actually, he slept for most of the morning and missed both breakfast and lunch. He stirred awake after lunch and he appeared to be even more exhausted than yesterday. He hadn’t been doing anything yesterday except reading that she had seen. Perhaps the All-Father questioned him while she slept? Or they had given him the same drug they had given her to get information out when she wasn't looking? She had thought about this yesterday but hadn't really thought it to be true, but maybe it was?

Whatever was causing the former prince to be noticeably quiet; it didn’t seem to bother anyone but her. In fact, it was all too quiet in the prison for her liking seeing as how Theoric had not come to change her bandages since last night; she greatly missed his company.

As if on cue, Theoric's figure came from the main doors not moments after Loki awoke. A smile drawn upon his face as he nodded to the guards and stood before her cell, derailing her about her thoughts about the former prince.

“You seem to be quite excited today.” Sigyn struggled to stand up, but she needed to try to walk around and exercise her recovering body. Shuffling slowly to the front portion of her cell, she looked down upon him for an answer to the reason of his giddiness.

 “I have spoken to the All-Father. While he is not sure of your innocence, he is allowing me to take you and keep a close eye on you. We have a meeting with him in about an hour about the matter. We must have you bathed and dressed for the occasion.” Theoric tried to hide the smile in his voice.

“You mean…” Looking at the walls that she had called home for so long, she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving them, but to be free, to feel the sun… she smiled at that thought once again.

He nodded to the door of her cell that was opened for her to walk through. The girl’s steps were faulty at first, she wasn’t sure if it was the nerves or if it was her body that was still trying to recover. Theoric was there at the bottom of the stairs to her cell, offering her his hand. She took it and uneasily leaned upon him, allowing him to fasten the cuffs on her again.

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