Chapter 3

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A/N: Hi all! Wow, I got a ton of feed back for the first two chapters! I'm excited to get to this chapter because honestly, this is (in my opinion) is where it starts to get interesting and sets up some of my favorite chapters to write: chapters 4 and 5. I'm sorry it seems as if it's starting off slow but I promise this is where it starts to get a bit... interesting...  As always, enjoy!  


The books that Theoric had promised came in the next morning with her meal. There were four: one on the myths of Asgard, another on the royal heritage of Asgard, a third on the weapons of Asgard and a final one on the Nine Realms. She took most of the day pouring over the book on the Nine Realms to remind herself of her homeland.

And yet, it hurt to read everything about the world she had called home since she was little. It was true, she was Asgardian but she had never really considered herself to be a true Asgardian. The memories of her mother and father and her little brother, Sango, made her want to cry every day. The words she and Sango had exchanged on the day Thor and his company had captured her tore at her heart.

“You can’t do this!”

“I must.” 

“But we’ll never see you again.”

“I know, but I need to save our family.”'

 "It is not yours to save! Let him be the one who takes the blame!

"I am willing to take this sacrifice. You will understand one day."

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to do that.

A loud noise from the door opening in the front of the dungeons jarred her from her daydreams. It also caused all the prisoners to look up from whatever hobby they had been preoccupied with, even Loki. The prisoners stood and watched a beast, larger than life walk in through the doors. Every Asgardian in the dungeon breathed in his name, they knew who he was immediately.


Sigyn felt her lips tingle at his name as a few others came in behind him. Everyone backed away in their cells except Loki, whose grin was only widening with each passing minute, his hands laced behind a his back. Unfortunately for Sigyn, the guards placed the monster named Glundroða in the cell next to hers. She could see his eyes sliding over every detail of his own cell and the inmates he would share it with. He caught her eye once, but she immediately looked away and sat down in the corner farthest from him.

There was no possibility of sleeping that night.


The morning came quite early. Her tray sliding across and tapping her foot where she slept. Awaking, she looked down at her daily tray of food, expecting to see her bread, jam, banana and apple. Snagging the banana, she saw that the fruit was concealing a small, handwritten note: 

Lady Sigyn,

I hope you enjoyed your novels. I did not know which ones you would desire but I picked a few. I wish to speak with you more, and I will have a surprise for you after the evening meal.” 


The blood rushed to her cheeks and turned them crimson. Absentmindedly she pulled apart the banana and reread the note. Smiling, she was eager to see what this handsome warrior of Asgard had in store for her. She began to browse the covers of her books while she ate. 

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