Chapter 19

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A/N: Hey everyone! I am feeling MUCH better than last week, still not 100% but I'm getting there. So as this is the next to last chapter (feel free to start crying), it is one of the longest chapters in the novel. It hadn't started out that long, but as I got to writing more and more, I realized that the background story of Sigyn had a lot more to tell than I originally let on. I'm sorry for the emotional roller coaster of this chapter... OH! And I'm so thankful to have over 12,000 reads! I never thought I'd see the day so thank you!!  Anyways enough babbling from me, read and enjoy! ^_^


It had been about a week since the night she had awoken to Loki’s screams. Since that night, she had yet to sleep in Theoric’s room.

 The second night she had spent in there, Loki’s screams had come around 4am, it had taken longer to wake him this time, and she made sure to touch him with a blanket wrapped around her hands. He had jerked awake and turned bright blue again. The temperature in the room had come down close to freezing, ice hanging from the bed frame and the ceiling. She had been able to see her breath too in the dark room. The night had ended with her sleeping snuggled up next to the fire in a makeshift bed for herself while he sat up all night reading in the large chair, unable to sleep. And thus, this was how they would spend their evenings, sometimes Loki falling asleep in the large chair though it was far and few between.

Since then, their routine for the past week had remained relatively the same. She would awake with the sun, as Loki gave her no other choice when he would open the curtains and go to stand on the balcony, watching gold glitter over the city. At first, she hadn’t enjoyed the fact he got up before the sun, but on the third day, she had ventured out to see what he was staring at every morning. The sun hit the buildings of Asgard like a prism, the light reflecting in ways she never thought possible. Rainbows from the waterfalls and various bodies of water bounced across the rainbow bridge too; she could see why he enjoyed waking up to see it and believed this was one of the many things he missed while in the dungeons. 

Breakfast would be served in the main hall, which he would attend with his special handcuffs. His old seat had not been “returned” to him, not that it mattered since it was only Odin, Jane, Loki and herself each day. Odin never stayed long; a few awkward stares would be exchanged between him and his son before he would abruptly leave. Loki would grumble under his breath and beg for Sigyn to finish her meal, to which she would snap at him for being rude since she would spend this time catching up with Jane.

She had come to enjoy Jane’s company much more than she had originally anticipated. The Midgardian was always eager to learn and to share what she had learned. Her eyes would light up when Sigyn would ask her more questions, even if she were only trying to share in her friend’s enthusiasm. In fact, Jane had been teaching a small side class about Midgard to which the children of Asgard completely adored. 

Being as Jane was busy most of the day, Sigyn would walk with Loki down to the medical ward and practice creating elixirs and sometimes a few spells. This was the time she found his behavior almost… helpful. He was teaching her how to use some of her spells more efficiently so as to not over exert herself and pass out. He was a patient teacher, something she had not expected from such a menacing man as himself. 

They would end the day in the garden or the library. Often times, she opted for the garden as she used it as a place to practice her sword fighting as Sif had promised a test when she returned. Loki was helpful here too, though she was cautious to ever let him near a blade, he would teach her many different stances about fighting such as how to defend ones self from an attack from behind. They would often have lunch in the garden or the library and spend their talk silently reading while they ate.

Disfigured Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 1}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora