Chapter 14

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A/N: At this point, I'm sure all of you are thinking "seriously what the heck is even going on anymore???" but I promise, it will all make sense soon! Two chapters this week because 14 and 15 flow so well together, so come back Thursday! Thank you so much for the recent feedback, it make me happy to know you guys like it! :) The song on the side... I have no real explanation for it other than I'm sorry and that I thought you guys should cry with me. too. Only six more chapters to the end and I assure you that it is in no way shape or form an ending you were expecting... As always, enjoy!


Two weeks had passed since the death of the Queen, and things had begun to change around the palace. Though the battles in Nine Realms were growing smaller by the day, the war still raged on. Theoric was often out on these battles with Thor and the rest of the council. It would greatly worry Sigyn until reports that all was well came in from Heimdall.

She and Véar would venture down to the Bifrost on these days and listen to Heimdall’s descriptions of the battle. Though her membership as a council member dictated she no longer needed to perform her duties, she insisted that she do so as to feel as if she had something to do in the palace. 

Healing lessons were becoming more complex, learning about the different herbs and minerals around Asgard and in other realms to which one might create an elixir. Though she could not manage to learn magic yet as Véar had, she practiced daily with the spells though it yielded little or no response. 

Her duties to the dungeons were quiet as well. None of the prisoners dare cause any issues, even Loki was on his best behavior. He would allow her from time to time to bring him his food, but most of the time he refused to even look at her. He had grown cold since he had heard of her newfound position in the council and even more so after their last conversation. He had managed to repair everything in his room and tape his own foot up, but she could see still how the light had left his beautiful green eyes.

Often times, she attempted to cheer him up and bring him new books, but most of the time he ignored her and would send the books back to her room with another guard wanting nothing she had picked out for him to read. 

On one of the evenings she was laying by the fire and reading, she heard a commotion from outside her door, the guards yelling and shifting along the hallways. Opening it, she saw Volstagg speaking to one of the guards.

“Volstagg is somethi-“

“Everything is fine Lady Sigyn, please remain in your chambers for the night.”

His stern look made her want to question him no further and she shut her door. Even though she was on the council, she knew many secrets were hidden from her, in no doubt Odin’s doing. The Lady Sif and Fandral kept her company on most days, mostly Fandral. Theoric had warned her of Fandral’s flirtatious nature but Sigyn was guarded, constantly reminding the blonde haired warrior of the man she cared for, quite possibly even loved.

The Lady Sif was currently teaching her some technics in combat, simple but valuable moves that could save her life should there ever be an attack on the palace again. Hogun and Thor were almost never to be found and Volstagg? She gathered the impression that he did not like her too much, for what reasons she did not know but she had gathered it had something to do with Theoric.

Sigyn hardly dwelled on the politics surrounding the kingdom but rather enjoyed herself each day within the palace walls, but tonight there would be no rest. The guards had died down but she could have sworn somewhere deep inside the palace she had heard screaming.

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