Chapter 5

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A/N: So yeah last chapter left you in a bit of a funk huh? Don't worry, this one makes it worse ;) Plus, you all are in to far to turn back now... MUWAHAHAHAHA.. I mean..

Anyway, this was by far one of the hardest and one of favorite chapters (that you've read so far) to write without giving away too much of the storyline... *cough cough* details *cough cough*. The song on the right is one of my favorite songs that nobody ever seems to remember but I thought it fit the story at this point in time very well.  As always... enjoy  >>:]


Waiting for morning was like waiting for rain in a drought. She woke up half a dozen times, sweating, screaming and in tears. Until tonight, she had not had any nightmares since her first night in the prison. Nightmare of what was to come when the sun presumably rose and the lights came on made it impossible to sleep. Loki wasn’t sleeping either but it didn’t surprise her. He sometimes didn’t sleep after being visited by a family member, though it hardly happened.  

No, tonight he was reading, letting the book suspend over his head. At first glance, it looked like he was just staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. Once in a while she would hear him stir and sit up or move to the chair to recline in. Sometimes he would glance over to her when he would begin pacing, concentrating and murmuring something just under his breath.

She never had long to think over these thoughts, as sleep would strangely overcome her, leaving her to repeat the same questions over and over in her mind: What was his issue?

It was none of his concern what she did and did not do; she was ready to die. As sad as it sounded, there was nothing left for her in Vanaheim. No life in Asgard, and what better than to ensure that the King did not make a horrible choice he would live to regret? Loki's death would haunt the King and turn Thor and his wife against him. No one else deserved to have a broken family like hers.

 Those were her thoughts when her morning tray of food came to her. Sigyn’s fingers picked over her bread, her stomach growling in protest for some substance but, it also was incredibly nervous. She was absolutely positive she would throw up if she were to eat anything at this point. The morning seemed to be carrying on at a monotonous pace, or maybe it was just the nerves. 

The front doors opened and the entire prison seemed to fall silent. Turning to face the door, she saw that it was the one they called Fandral. Loki's expression had turned into a scowl. He was standing now, extremely close to the glass with his hands behind his back. Green eyes flickered to the warrior and back to Sigyn's deep blue ones. She hadn't noticed but her breathing had increased and teeth were chattering slightly. Doing her best to calm herself, she tried to think of things that made her smile, but nothing seemed to be working. 

The man walked slowly and seemed to have a frown just under his blonde mustache. Nobody seemed to be breathing; they were hanging on every footstep that Fandral took. Standing before Sigyn’s cell, he nodded to the guards and motioned them to the door.

 “By decree of Odin, the criminal and traitor known as Sigyn will be taken for questioning overseen by the All-Father.” Fandral’s voice waivered, his eyes were the kind of sadness a parent might be in child that had disappointed them.

 The guards came, binding her hands behind her back rather than in front of her. Her heart was pumping faster all ready as they guided her down the steps. Questioning? That was it? She felt relief wash over her face, though the binding wasn't comfortable it was better than being sentenced to death. It was easy to say you wanted to die, but it was harder to actually be faced with that choice. But a questioning by the King? There was no doubt in her mind that it was anything but simple, but it could hardly be worse than being scolded by a parent, right?

Disfigured Beauty {Pure Illusion Series: Book 1}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora