Chapter 16

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A/N: Hey everyone! So only one chapter this week and not much of an author's note. It's kind of a filler chapter, though it does have important things, it's one of calmer chapters. Probably because from now to the end is a marathon of feels. Excited right?? Just to let you know I'm full of SPN feels as I edit these final chapters so... I'm sorry??!? The song on the side... just a haunting memory of what's to come. Anyways, thank you all (SERIOUSLY) for your support!!  Enjoy! :)


Sigyn slipped out into the hallway far away from the prison, but her thoughts still lingered in those damp walls she once called home. Home. Such an odd term to call those walls but she supposed that's what they meant to her during that time. Thoughts of the prison led her to Theoric but more specifically how he had allowed her to return to Loki's cell to heal him. She wasn’t sure if he had truly wanted her to attend to him; she was inclined to think he had not. But, he had trusted her judgement; that meant more to her than he could ever imagine. 

But the picture of the God lying on the white cell motionless twice in one day was too much for her mind to handle. She had to see something else and dwell on those images. It was then Sif that found her in the garden, pulling leaves apart and tossing them into the pond that resided in the middle, trying to escape the image of a damaged man lying in his own blood in her mind.  

“Greetings Lady Sif.” Sigyn was quick to her feet, bowing before the female warrior. 

“There is no need for that Sigyn as I have told you before. You are one of the council members.” Sif smiled, motioning in a request that she may sit also. 

“Yes of course, please sit.” Sigyn sat down once again, returning to the task of pulling part of the plant in her fingers. “Sorry, I am not used to being trusted with such responsibility. I never imagined myself as one with the likeness of nobility.”

Sif nodded, stretching out on lawn a little, letting her head fall back against the grass. Her long hair flowed out from around her; it wasn’t in its usual ponytail which probably meant she wasn't on duty. She could only guess it was because Theoric was either busy or had decided to allow them to have some space after what had happened.

“I would not worry about such things Sigyn. Be yourself and I am sure it will come in time. Even Thor was not suited at first to carry the weight of the throne on him, which is why Odin banished him to Earth for some time.” Sif's lips pursed into a line; the subject was obviously bitter in her mouth. 

“And what of Loki? Was he prepared?”

Sif, who had shut her eyes at this point, slowly sat up as if to ponder this but her face told the blonde maiden otherwise. Her lips twitched up in a sneer at the mention of the former prince. Sigyn could tell that whatever the warrior was about to say were not going to be pleasant.

“Loki… I suppose you could say he was. But I do believe that was his downfall. He wanted it so much when he saw Thor was no longer fit for the crown. I believe he still does not think of Thor being fit for the crown, even if he is in chains. Loki was born to be a King, but Odin knew he would never become one. It seems as if the trickster was cheated and tricked his entire life...." Her voice trailed off before a question came across her lips. "Why such a sudden interest in the subject?”

Sif was now facing Sigyn, watching her face for any emotion to cross her face and give her a clue as to why the maiden would want to have anything to do with the monster that Asgard feared. 

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