When you fall down

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(Requested by @just_don't)

Slappy was in the kitchen making some food for you and him. He was about done making you a sandwich.

"(y/n)! I finished your sandwich!" he said as he set your plate down on the table. He heard you yell, "OH GOODY!" from your shared bedroom.

Your footsteps echoed on the wooden floor as you ran to the stairs to get to your sandwich. You were starving.

When you made it to the stairs, your excitement got the best of you as you started to run and then tumble down the stairs.


You landed on your ass and you cried our in pain. Slappy rushed to the staircase, his eyes wide. "(y/n)!! Are you okay??" he asked, bending over next to you. You nodded slowly and rubbed your butt.

Slappy chuckled and helped you up, careful not to hurt you anymore than you already were. "That was quite a fall there.." he said. Then you started to laugh.

"My life flashed before my eyes Slappy!!!" you joked. You both shared a cute couple laugh as you ate your sandwiches.

"You're so cute and clumsy (y/n)." said Slappy when he finished his sandwich. You blushed and giggled, planting a smol kiss on his cheek.

"Love ya Slappy~" you said.

"Love ya too (y/n)~" he said back.

*Then you both make Kawaii faces*


How was that? Have I improved? Lemme know my smol children~

Goosebumps: Slappy X Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now