Chapter Two: When I look at You

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                                                           When I Look at You

Faye P.O.V

Jess and I climb into her car and head to the party, we stop at a redlight, and a another car pulls up with blasting music, and from the looks of it two boys were jamming out to something really good actually.

"I'm like the boombox outside of your window

I am that delorean blowing past 88..."

We could hear them singing and not really paying any attention to how cute and ridiculous they looked. The light turned green and both our cars took off again, we realized that their car was following us and at first I got nervous and looked at Jess worried.

"Jess, their following us?' I said rather nervous

"Yeah I can see that Faye", she responded, "Oh maybe their headed to the party also?"

"I hope that's it" I say back

We finally reach the place and its a mansion of a house, two story, rich folk type house. I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach, why was I even here?".

"Faye come on let's go, are you okay?" She looks at me frowning.

"Yeah just really nervous"

We get out and climb the steps to the front door, Jess rings the doorbell and someone opens the door. Its  a guy with a bright smile, black hair  wearing jeans and a red shirt that said "LIfe is short so have fun fuckin it up". He reaches out and takes both our hands, "Hey gals thanks for coming" He says his voice sounding slighly british. We walk in and come to a huge living room full of people, who were dancing and I guess drinking.

"So what's your names pretty ladies?" He asks

Well this is my bestie Faye and I am Jessica" Jess responds

"Well have a great time, there's food, drinks, In all the rooms the drawers have condoms if needed" He winked and laughed a little saying that. I was fidgeting with my hands and just wanted Jess to come with me to the food table, I start to drag her away.

"So are you gonna be okay Faye?" "Your looking pale and freaked out" 

"I'll be fine, its just been such a long time since I have been to a party, you remember what happened last time?" "Never thought I would come to one again' 

"I know . but you need to move on really Joe wasn't worth it, he is a jerk and a dumbass for cheating on you"

"Yeah" I sigh

(Flashback 1)

"Hey babe I am gonna go out with the boys for a bit , see ya later k" My finance of a year yells heading out the door. Joe and I had been together since we met in Idaho last year, I believed it was love at first sight, I never got the tingles and crazy sensation but I was young and nieve then so I didn't really care.

My phone rings and I see its my bestie Jess.

"Hey Faye".

"Hey Jess"

"So will you come to a party with me please?" 

"Well I guess, Joe went out with the boys so yeah sure I would like to get out anyways"

"Okay I'll be there soon, do you want help getting ready?"

"Yeah I would like that, I am no good at dressing up"

A Love that Heals& A Past that Screams ( A Ross Lynch/personal story)Where stories live. Discover now