Chapter Five: I Love You

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                                                                               I Love You

Ross P.O.V

It was loud and people were screaming at the band, I held Faye in my arms and just look down at her listless face. Tears started to spill, and I tried to wake her up.

"Faye, Faye please wake up" I yell in her ear.

She doesn't respond at all, so I pick her up bridal style best I can and try to get out of this loud now very irratating crowd. People would move out of the way and someone even looked at me worried. I finally got to the door and walk outside into the night air, she starts to stir a little. I keep walking holding her in my arms as I walked back to the car. 

"Ross?" She whimpers

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know, I mean what happened?"

"You fainted in the concert"

"Oh, sorry, I am sorry for ruining the night"

"No you didn't it's okay"

"Do you want to go now?"

She looks at me and tears are pouring down her face, she turns her head into my chest and sobbs, I just hold her and let her cry. After 2 minutes she seems to get a hold of herself, she gets out of my arms and turns around looking up at my face.

'Ross, maybe this isn't gonna work, I mean we won't work" She is shaking while she stutters out the words.

"No why!" I almost shout

"I have to much stuff in mylife, its not fair to you"

"I don't care Faye, I think I love you, no I take that back I said with a serious voice

She looks up and tears start to fall, "I knew this was a mistake" "I want to go home" She says

I look at her grab her hands in mine and pull her close.

"You didn't let me finish, I take back that I think I love you, Faye  I know I love you" I say with a passion in my voice.

She looks up and her eyes are wide...

Faye P.OV

I looked up as Ross said the words, "Faye I know I love you"

My heart starts to beat fast like the speed of lightning I never thought I would ever hear those words again, my mind was racing the doubts were coming I was terrified. Did I love him, Did I feel the way he just claimed? How do I really know, can my heart trust a guy again?

"Ross I ummm, I want to give you the answer you want to hear, but I am not ready for this kind of commitment" "I mean we just met this is our first date, and you have no clue who I am, what I have been through, your not thinking about all the things that might change your mind about how you claim you feel" I hated the look in his eyes the sorrow and pain killed me, but he had to know the truth.

"Faye your right I don't know who you are, I don't know your past, I don't know if you'll ever give me a chance, But I know somethings about you I got right".

He looks at me and I see love in his eyes, I see someone who truely knows what he wants.

" I know, I love what I see right here in my arms, I love the way your eyes look, how they practically match mine, I love the way you laugh, they way you voice sounds when your singing your favorite songs". "Faye I love the way you make me feel everytime I think of you and I am with you" ."You have brought a light into mylife, I don't want to be the guy that gets all the girls anymore I just want you". So If you'll have me Faye Angel Story, I would love to be your boyfriend, and show you what it's really like to be loved right"

A Love that Heals& A Past that Screams ( A Ross Lynch/personal story)Where stories live. Discover now