Chapter Nine: Live With Me

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Ross P.O.V

After hanging  up with my old friend who happened to be a police officer, I felt a little bit less stressed about all this drama. Faye was still asleep in my bed and I was downstairs sitting on the couch thinking about things, I had so much going through my head. Grabbing the remote I turn the TV on and the news popss up on thr screen

"This just in, a man by the name of William Bryants, a man put in prison for rapping his step-daughter for over 11 years  has escaped and police believe he is heading to California, he is armed and dangerous, those who get in his way could get hurt. Be careful keep your houses locked and house alarms on at all  times, if anyone see's this man call police immediately".

I sat there shocked and fear filled my whole being, I turned off the TV, I hear a creaking behind me and turn around fast, there standing behind me is Faye, she has tears streaming down her face, but has a shocked and scarred look on her face. I jumped up and wrap her in a hug, she clings to me and sobbs in my chest.

"Shhh baby girl it's okay, it's going to be okay"

"Hey do you want to go to your place and get some clean clothes"?


She is still shaking, so I quickly grab my  bro's car keys and we head out of the house, I locked the house up and Faye was already in the car buckled up. I got in and start the engine, reving it I pull out of the drive fast into the street then take off towards her house on the otherside of town.

Nothing was said driving there, she just starred out the window in silence. I wanted to say something but what could I say, how could I make her feel better, feel safer. I pull into her drive and she gets out a slowly walks to her house, her mom was just coming out of the front door followed by her brother they both saw her and then look past her saw me, she was now running to her mom, who has her arms open wide with a concerned look on her face. Her brother was looking at me wondering what the hell was wrong with his sister, I think he thought I was at fault.

Dean came up to me with a look that said "What the hell did you do  to her"?

Dean I didn't do anthing I swear, she has been traumatized by someone from her past, I know a little about it, you need to talk to her"!

Dean turns around and Faye looks up into his eyes then slams herself into his chest and he wraps his arms around her rocking her back and forth. They must of stayed like that for about five minutes before anyone spoke.

Her mom spoke first

"Ross maybe you should fill me in to what is going on"?

"Well someone has escaped prison that Faye knows and he sent her a text saying he was coming to get her and kill her"


Before I could anything Faye voice answers the question.

" William"

I look up at her mom and she got this pale look on her face. The fear the filled her eyes I will never forget.

She then looks at Dean, "Dean, Go get sarah from her friends house please" 

Without a word Dean leaves and the rest of us go in the house. Faye's mom, her and me go into the living room and sit on the couch. Silence fills the room for at least 20 minutes. 

"Mom, what are we going to do?" 

"I don't know Faye I don't know."

 I got up and pulled out my phone

"I'll be rigth back gonna make a phone call"

I step outside and call my dad, "Hello, hey dad do you have a minute I need to talk to you?"

Sure Son what's on your mind"

I explained thing to him asking advice, after that I hung up and went back inside.

"Mrs. Story I just got off the phone with my father, we have thought of a solution for you even you'll accept the offer. My parents have extra space in our big house there is 4 extras bedrooms so you could move into our place with us and when this guy, William I think is name is, gets caught and out back in prison then you can move back to your home"

Faye's mom looks at me with tears in her eyes and nodds her head, Faye then jumps up and hugs me tight crying into my shoulder.

"I love you so much Ross thank you"

Just then the door opens and Sarah comes in and after her Dean.

"Dean did you tell Sarah why she had to come home?"

"No mom"

Sarah looks around the room first at me then Faye and then Dean.

"What's Going on?"


"What happened?"

"Sarah we are all moving in the Lynch's for awhile"

Dean looks at his mom, and nodds his head and then he looks at me and does the same.

"Wait what why?" Sarah shrieks

Her mom looks at her and with a sad voive tells her

"William has got out of prison and has threatened to murder your sister"

Tears start pooling in Sarah's eyes he throws her arms around Faye and cries, so hard.

"I am so sorry Faye, it's all my fault I am so sorry"

Everyone at the same time looks at her and says


Sarah looks up at her mom and then at Faye, with tears shew start speaking.

" William Is my dad, and I know I should hate him but he is my father so I was trying to find anyway I could to forgive him, I went to see him in prison, and we talked and had a good time, he said he had changed and that our family had nothign to fear from him. I believed him, I told him everything, even about moving here, I screwed up so bad I am so sorry!"

Faye reaches over to her sister and p[ulls her into a hug

"Shhssshhhh, Sssshhhhssshhhh, it's okay little Sis it's okay.

Mrs. Story addresses everyone

"Okay everyone pack what you need and make sure you levae nothing here to come back to get cause that ain't an option."

Everyone heads to their rooms, I follow Faye to hers, and help her pack, my dad would be showing up with the van in 2 hours. 

A Love that Heals& A Past that Screams ( A Ross Lynch/personal story)Where stories live. Discover now