Chapter Three: What is it like to Trust Again

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                                                                 What Is It Like to Trust Again

Faye P.O.V

I woke up and it was still dark sweat poured down my face, tears stung my eyes, tiny spots of blood were on my pillow and I had a broken piece of razor in my hand. My wrist was stinging and felt like it was on fire.

Kinda shocked I sit up and try to remember last night, and as it slowly comes back I start to cry and shake.

(flashback of dream)

"Come here!" William my stepdad screamed

Mom had left for work and I went into hidding hoping he wouldn't find me before she came home. I was in a closet terrified, trying to not breathe to not make a sound. He came close to my hiding spot and I slightly whimpered.

"If I find you your gonna be sorry for hiding from me Faye!"

I try moving farther back into the small closet but my worst nightmere happens and the shelf falls, a loud crash and the door is hanked open.

He grabs me by my hair and pulls me to his bedroom.

I don't even try to fight, I saw no point at all, what was a 12 year child gonna do against a 35 year old adult? He throws me on the bed and starts striping me down ripping off my clothes, I am now naked and a cold chill is all over my body.

He slams his body on top of mine and grabs my legs spreading them wide he rams into me, and I just cry out in a miserable whisper. He slams again and again til I am so sore I can't feel anything anymore. On and on he thrusts again and again it seems to go on and on, I only can close my eyes and pray for it to be over soon. The worst was I kinda felt a weird like a hot rush a sensation all over my body that scared me and pleased me all at once. It happened so fast I had no way of stopping it even if I tried,  he climbed off of me and walked out of the room, I slowly got up and grab what I could find of my clothes and head to the bathroom to take a hot bath, I was disgusted with myself.

(end of dream)

"Beep, beep"

My cell goes of and I look to see a text from a unknown number.

"Hey beautiful its Ross from the party"

I think of a response and then answer

"Hey Ross,  what's up? "

"Not much just wondered would you like to go out sometime?"

"Sure, I would love to" :)

"Okay so maybe tonight at 8:30?"

"Okay I would like that"

"Great see you tonight then"


Great now I have to find something to wear, wow its been forever since I went on a date, I hope I can do this.

Ross P.O.V

Wow I can't believe Faye said yes to going out with me, I really hope this night goes well I really like her, she's like no other girl I've ever met.

"Riker!" I yelled for my brother

Riker comes out of his room and runs down stairs, his face had a look of worry and concern.

"What, is something wrong, did you get a girl pregnant, did someone die?!" Riker rushed out so fast I thought my head would spin.

"No, no, no, nothing like that but I do need your help please" I begged

"Ross I already told you, you want condoms go buy them your damn self I will not support your stupidity" he says in a very calm voice

"Well keep your condoms I don't need them, but I do need help please!" I begged again

"Okay with what little bro?"

"I have a date with a girl" I think I was blushing my face felt hot and Riker was grinning at me with a goofy look on his face.

" What's her name?"


" Wait not Faye Story, you dont mean Jessica's friend" Riker look at me worried

"Yes so what, whats wrong with her?" I asked a bit confused

"Well she has been through a lot and has issues, I used to be friends with her ex fiance Joe"

"Then she met Matt, you remember him, well he turned into an asshole and hurt her really bad. Thing is she hasn't talked or gone out with a guy ever since, she has major trust issues".

"Wow, well it doesn't change anything I still like her and want to go out with her, so can you please help me?" I plead with puppy dog eyes

"Sure fine what do you need?"

"First what should I say or do to prove she can trust me?"

"Second what should I wear and third what kinda of date should I take on or movie should I take her to?"

" Easy one let her open up, don't push her, be a gentleman and treat her good like a china doll,  if your drop her she won't break she'll shatter bro"

"Wear something comfortable and wear a warm jacket so if she gets cold you can give it to her, its what a man does and girls love it. And the last thing let her choose the movie if that's what you end up doing for the date or take her to a concert find out her music taste and surprise her with her favorite band or bands, oh and give her time don't rush anything but be safe if you do and wear protection".

I roll me eyes at the last part, haha like I was gonna be that dumb, at least I hope I won't be.

"Well I guess I have only one more favor to ask then" , I say with smirk on my face

"What's that?" Riker looks at me

"So if just in case, can I have some condoms?"

"Oh your good little bro, hahaha sure why not just try not to use them, but of course do if need be" Riker laughs

"I only have learned from the best big bro" I tell him laughing

I look up and see its already 7:30, I have only an hour to get ready.

I can't wait for tonight I thought as I skip up stairs to take a shower.

A Love that Heals& A Past that Screams ( A Ross Lynch/personal story)Where stories live. Discover now