Chapter Eight: Terror at it's Finest

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Ross P.O.V                                                    Terror at it's Finest

"Faye what the hell are you doing?" I yelled at her in shock, I really couldn't believe what I was seeing her do to herself.

Faye looked up at me with tears streaming down her face, she was shaking while gripping the blade tight in her fist. I reached down to her never leaving her eyes, taking her hand I slowly start prying the blade from her. She gives in and I toss it in the trashcan. The lines she had made were bleeding and blood ran on the floor in little rivers down her wrist and hand off her finger tips. I got up and opened the mirror over my sink to get some gauze and tape and antiseptict cream, sitting back down beside her I reach out for her arm, she lifts it and scoots a little closer.

"I'm so sorry Ross" she whimpers to me, still shaking like a leaf.

"Why did you do it baby? Why? Was it me, did I do something?"

'No, I promise it wasn't you"

"Why then?'

"I, I .. I"


I finally lost it, and had to get her to snap out of it, she needed to tell me what was up, I was so worried I did something, and not knowing what was wrong, was getting me irratated with the situation.

She looks up at me and I see fear, pain and terror in her eyes, she ripes away from me and scoots close to the wall still shaking.

"Shhh, baby girl ,I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled" "Come here baby, it's okay"

I tried to reasure her, but when she doesn't respond I get up and do what I have to. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bed, I laid her down and curled up next to her holding her in my arms rocking her slowly, soon she calms down and turns to face me.

"Now will you tell me what happened?"

"Do you really want to here why Ross?"


"It's a long story"

" We have time"


Faye P.O.V

How do I start to tell him why I am this way, I sometimes wonder myself if it happened or if it's real, that I just dreamed these things. Though as much as I want to forget my past, mylife I can't.

"Why did you hurt yourself baby?" Ross continued to ask me, how can I tell him?

"I cut everynight Ross, I can't go one night not cutting"

"But why?"

"My past"

"What happened to you, I am here I will listen"

"It all started when I was five almost six years old, my dad, my stepdad kissed me on the lips". "I tried telling my mom, but he denied the whole thing and said I must be playing a game, mom never questioned it"." As I grew up he kept sexually abusing me daily, in everyway possible". "He was my nightmere everynight and my terror everyday, I went through pain and fear from five years old til I was fifteen almost sixteen. 

I looked at Ross and his face showed horror and shock and anger, he was clenching his fists starring at me.

" I can stop if this is too much to hear Ross"

"No I want to know Faye, I need to know"


"He wasn't the only one though, I was sexual abused by his son, daughter, brother and nephew, but it only happend once by them"

A Love that Heals& A Past that Screams ( A Ross Lynch/personal story)Where stories live. Discover now