Chapter Six: Unconditionally

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Faye P.O.V

I woke up with the sun shining through the bedroom window, it kinda hurt my eyes a little. I looked down and see Ross still sound asleep, but he was mumbling something. 

"Babe that tickles stop, Oh I"m gonna get you!" he laughs in his sleep, haha he sleep talks.

I carefully get out of bed and go to the bathroom, refresh and splash water on my face. I hear the door open and sleepy eyed Ross is coming up behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my right shoulder.

"Morning Baby"  He grins at me looking at the mirror

"Morning Ross" I smile back

"Did you sleep good?"

"No not really..."

"Wait what?" He gets a scared and concerned look on his face.

"No I slept perfect, actually it was the best sleep I have had in a long time".

He goes from scared face to relieved and beaming.

Ross turns me around and looks into my eyes, he grabs my face with both hands leans in and kisses me, this kiss wasn't rough but soft and sweet, he was a gentleman and handle my lips with care and gentleness. I kissed back and then after a couple of seconds pull away. I walked back to the bed a sit down, I wanted a hair brush so bad. I started to frown trying to finger comb the mess they called hair on my head. Ross sees and sits down next to me, he pulls my hands away and leans over and kisses my hair, he then takes a peice and starts to finger comb it for me.

"Your so beautiful you know" Ross whispers into my ears

"No, No I'm not" I look up into his eyes

"You know I can see why you think that babe, but it's true to me, your beautiful and I'm not talking about your body or looks, i'm talking about the beauty I see in your eyes, in your heart"

" Really?"

"Yes really"

"Thanks Ross"

I turn to face him, I  grab his face and smash my lips on his, his kisses back his tongue begs for entrance and I grant it, we battle for dominance. I let him win this time, the kiss starts to get heated and rougher, I feel a hot and amazing sensation travel though me, I want more, my body was begging for more of him. We make out for five minutes at least, then pull apart breatheing hard. We could have gone on and on, but someone had knock on the door.

"Knock knock"

"Yeah? Ross said with a little annoyance

The door opens and it's Riker

"Hey guys just wanted to know if you wanted breakfast this morning?"

"Umm sure, will be down in a bit" Ross says back to him

"Riker looks at me then Ross and nods his head then goes out and shuts the door.

"Ross I need to get dressed now", I say getting up.

"Aww can't you change out here?" He says in a sexy teasing voice.

"No babe I can not" I say laughing.

I walk into the bathroom shut the door, I can hear Ross humming the lyrics to Katy Perry Unconditionally.

"Unconditionally I will love you unconditionally" 

I smile and step into the shower.

Ross P.O.V

Can a heart be more happy then this, is it possible? How do I deserve a girl a women like her? I think too much sometimes. I start to humm a new song I heard in my car by Katy Perry called Unconditionally while getting dressed, I put on some ripped jeans, and a red t-shirt that said What's Up on the front. Slipped on my red converse, I had almost every single color, yeah I loved converse a lot.

A Love that Heals& A Past that Screams ( A Ross Lynch/personal story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt