Chapter 3

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Status: edited

Pony's P.o.V.

"Your Best friend, Johnny"

I smiled widely as I read the note for the tenth time after waking up from my nap. Johnny had written the nicest things, and after thinking about it, I decided to believe him.

He's never lied to me once, and I don't think that he would start now. I pulled out an old storage can from my closet and carefully set the note inside.

I then hid it safely under my bed, to make sure that I was the only one who knew about it.

The thought that it was only mine made it feel even more special.

I walked over to the mirror and began fixing my bed head. My clock read 6:37 and I guessed that we were gonna go out tonight, since it was Saturday.

Once I deemed my hair appropriate, I just stared at my reflection.

"God, do I really look like that?" I said aloud.

"You do." A voice behind me caused me to jump. It was Johnny. "And you're beautiful."

I blushed and mumbled a thank you.

He walked up to me and looked at my wrists.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure there's no more new cuts."

I pulled away my hands. "I just woke up."

He shrugged. "I just wanna make sure."

I frowned, not liking that he was constantly gonna be on my case. Then I remembered my note and decided to forgive him. Quickly, I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you for my note. I loved it." I said, bashfully.

Johnny smiled and hugged me back. "I meant everything I said."

I nodded. "Yeah, I know."

I sat down, my head spinning. I hadn't eaten in a while and it was taking a toll. It's working. The Voice whispered. If it hurts then you're losing weight.

I knew that this was true, but I had promised Johnny that I would eat. Somehow, my promise to him seemed more important than my promise to myself.

"Wanna go out to eat?" Asked Johnny.

I only nodded, and we began walking to the living room. But before we got there, Johnny stopped me. "Take off your sweatshirt."

I stared at him. "Are you crazy? My brothers might see my cuts."

He shook his head. "Pony I think they'll be more suspicious if they see you wearing a sweatshirt in ninety degree weather. It's summer time."

My cheeks flushed and I nodded, slipping the article of clothing off. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "You can do this, I know you can." I felt my stomach turn flips for some reason, and when he let go of my hand I was a little disappointed.

I shook the odd thought away and walked into the living room where the gang sat. I was having a little trouble walking. My legs were shaking from hunger but I was used to that. It was the aching pain in my stomach that was bad.

Before I could always feel it, but it never really stabbed at me like it does now. But no matter how hard it hurt I knew I had to push through it. I had to stay skinny, and before I ate way too much anyway.

"Pony and I are going out to eat." Johnny announced, kinda quietly.

It's hard to remember that he's a shy kid because he's always so lively around me.

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