Chapter 9

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Pony's P.o.V.

I was scared.

The hospital seemed scary to me, and I would have to spend a week away from everybody I loved.

Who cares? The voice taunted. They don't love you back so it's not like it matters. I almost winced, and had to reread Johnny's note to convince myself that I was loved by at least one person.

I loved that note more than any other ones I had received. So maybe he meant that he loved me in a platonic way, but that didn't mean that I couldn't pretend.

Pretend that he would stare out the window longingly waiting for me to get back. Pretend that he would smile every time he thought of me. Pretend that he was working up the courage for the perfect way to ask me to be his.

Just pretend.

"Ponyboy, we're here." Darry said as we parked.

I took a deep breath and stuck the note back in my pocket. Sodapop held my hand on the way in and it made me feel good to know that I wasn't alone for now.

Darry had to go up to the front desk and talk to the lady for a long time. "Soda..." I whispered.

He leaned in closer to me. "Yeah honey?"

"I'm scared." I admitted.

He sighed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "I too." He said after a while. "But it's gonna help you."

Darry came back and pulled me up. "Alright Pony, this is goodbye for a week."

I nodded and gave him a hug. "You guys won't forget about me, right?"

Soda joined our hug. "Of course we won't baby. We never could."

Darry kissed the top of my head and walked me up to this friendly looking nurse.

"Take care of him." Soda told her which made me blush.

Darry hugged me one last time. "I'll bring your bag in."

I nodded, and the realization of how much I was going to miss them finally hit me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched them leave. I wondered if this was as hard for them as it was for me.

The nurse put a hand in my shoulder, causing me to flinch slightly. "Hi Ponyboy, I'm Nurse Jill. Will you follow me?" She gave me a warm smile.

I shyly nodded and followed behind her. She led me to this room that was very plain. White walls and two white beds with tan sheets.

"This will be your room for the week. You have a roommate. His names Jeffy and he's very nice. I think you'll like him." I looked around the room. Very boring.

"Your bag will be delivered up here shortly, but for now you need to change." She handed me a thin gown.

"What do I do with my clothes?" I asked.

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