Chapter 6

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Status: edited

Johnny's P.o.V.

I live for the the next time I can ever help Pony.

"Hey you're okay. You're fine..." I quietly shushed the sleeping boy who was resting on my shoulder.

He was whimpering some and seemed to be having a nightmare. I guessed that it was about 3:00 am, but with Pony asleep on top of me, I knew I'd never get any sleep.

I just wanted to stare at him for as long as I wanted to without him catching me.

After I talked to Soda I had left to go sleep in the vacant lot. I didn't want to go home because I didn't feel like getting beat.

I guess Pony followed me out here, not that I minded of course.

I moved some hair out of his eyes. God he was so beautiful. I couldn't understand how when he looked in the mirror he didn't see somebody who was perfect.

I let my hand travel down to caress his face. He seemed to be calming down some, as he was breathing easier and had a small smile on his face.

I can't remember the last time I'd seen him smile, and it made me extremely happy to look at his upturned lips.

When he's awake, it's almost as if the only emotions he can feel are pain and sadness.

He giggled some in his sleep. "Johnnycakes..." he mumbled.

My breath hitched a bit. He was dreaming about me? I smiled and traced my thumb around his full lips. I wanted so badly to kiss them. So, so badly.

He snuggled deeper into my chest and sighed. "Johnny..." he continued to mumble my name.

I chuckled and decided to wake him up. "Pony?" I whispered and continued to run my thumb over his lips.

He stretched some and groaned. "Hi baby." He said half asleep, causing me to blush a deep crimson color.

"Hi." I whispered, barely loud enough for myself to hear.

He rubbed his eyes and began to really wake up. "What time is it?"

I sat up. "I'm not sure. Maybe around 3:00?"

He sighed and smacked his lips together.

Already, he looked so sad. There was no trace of that pleasant dream he had just been having.

An idea popped into my head. Maybe I can get him to smile if we talk about it. "What were you dreaming about Pony?" I asked as he snuggled up next to me.

My heart started beating faster as he got closer.

He shrugged. "I dunno. Why do you ask?"

I sighed and began playing with his hair down by his neck. "You kept saying my name..."

He let that information digest before a weird look passed over his face. "I don't wanna talk about it." He said quickly.

I frowned, but respected his answer. I wasn't going to force anything out of him. "Oh, okay. Well do you want to go back to bed or keep talking?"

He took a shaky breath and looked at me. "Actually, I have a question."

I raised an eyebrow. "Go for it."

He nodded and swallowed hard. "Have you ever love?"

The question caught me kinda off guard. Was he onto me? I considered that he was for only a second, because when I looked in his eyes I could see that he was just genuinely curious to know.

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