Chapter 16

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Johnny's P.o.V.

"Can we go to the lot Johnny?" Pony's fingers were grazing over my skin.

I nodded, a bit confused, but I couldn't ever say no to my Ponyboy. We both stood up and walked out the door, without giving anybody else a clue about where we were going.

Pony held my hand on the walk there, never once loosening his grip. He kept fiddling with something in his pocket. I was scared seeing him so nervous.

What is going on in that head of yours Ponyboy?

When we arrived at the lot I decided to finally speak. "W-why'd you want to come here baby?" I asked, my voice quivering just a little bit.

He decided to answer by pulling my collar forward and giving me a slow, passionate kiss. When we broke apart our foreheads were still touching and he was breathing heavily.

"I wanted to say thank you...for everything." He whispered.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Gosh Pony, you don't have to thank me."

"But I do." He countered. "You have helped nearly every aspect of my life."

I chuckled. "Well, I doubt that."

Pony shook his head, eyes wide. "I'm serious. You helped my relationship with Soda, you helped me with my eating habits, you helped my mental state, my physical state, and my emotional state. I feel like such a stronger person now Johnny...and it's all thanks to you. I love you so much; more than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life. I know I'll never come even close to repaying my debt to've done so much for me. But...I decided that I could help try and lower that debt..."

I stared at him in awe, and with tears in my eyes as reached into his pocket and pulled out three pieces of paper.

"R-read them..." he mumbled shyly.

I unfolded the first one and began reading.

I can never, ever repay what you have done for me. You're such a selfless person. You are kind and beautiful, inside and out, and I am so happy to have them honor of calling you my boyfriend.
Thankyou for everything,

I blinked and looked up at him. "Oh Pony...this is so sweet."

He chuckled lightly. "Read the others."

I nodded and continued reading, but not before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

Love is such a funny thing to me. I never expected to be in love with you, but looking back I should have. Even though I didn't realize it at first, you had my heart a long time ago. Please remember that. Please remember that I will forever be in love with you, even if somehow things between us do not last. You will forever and always be a part of me.
I love you so incredibly much,

Tears had began falling freely down my face by now. "Baby...I love you much."

I picked up the last one and read it.

You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Everything I am today is because of you. Hell, I don't even know if I would still be on this Earth if I didn't have you. I will never take you for granted...I don't think I even could.
I love you,

I smiled at my boyfriend after I finished the last note. "Thank you Ponyboy...these are so sweet. You have no idea how much this all means to me." (A/n Johnny's response is me reading yalls comments. I love them so much. Even the rude ones because my friends stuck up for me. *cough* imaprickle *cough* fandom--trash love y'all)

Pony rubbed the back of his neck, spotting a small smile. "Read the first word of each letter."

It spelled out "I love You" I chuckled and kissed him again.

"I know I'm not as creative as you are...but I tried." He giggled and took my hand.

I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arm around his waist as we both sat down. "I think it's perfect honey."

Pony smiled widely and kissed me again. "Things are better now, all thanks to you."

Ta da!!! I finally updated! Sadly, this was the last chapter of Anxiety. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've never worked harder on a book, and thank you all for acknowledging that. Pony's emotions were based off mine. Sometimes my anxiety spikes and I feel really depressed. Almost more than Pony was in certain parts of the story. My best friend was the one who really helped me through it.
Anyways, thank you all!

ANXIETY (𝘫𝘰𝘩𝘯𝘯𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘺)Where stories live. Discover now