Sister dearest

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You know those lip plumping lip glosses you buy, my lips feel like that. Like they won't stop tingling. They don't look any different but they feel different. If I even touch my lips the tingling increases.

I look in the mirror of a car as I inspect them. I'm not allergic to anything but it feels like my lips are having an allergic reaction, maybe I am allergic to Brandon, but that wouldn't explain the dreams. Since the kiss a few days ago they have either been more romantic or more graphic, it's driving me insane.

"Aimee, I'm going to the shop to supply the mini-fridge. Do you want anything?" Ben asks.

"I am ok." I say and give him a smile. He leaves and I walk into the workroom. I finish ordering new parts and I turn around. Brandon is there. I jump.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"My bike is broken." He says. I sigh.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask.

"The front wheel is stiff." He says.

"Have you heard of oil?" I ask.

"It doesn't change it." he says. I look at it and see it is ok apart from another loose bolt.

"What are you doing to your bike to loosen all these bolts, they do a good job of getting them on there in the factory." I say and tighten it.

"Nothing anymore, just drive it normally." He says.

"You mean ride and what did you do then?" I ask.

"Nothing important, thanks kitty." He says and hands me a wad of cash. I check the time, its Friday so when Ben comes back my shift is over.

I drive home and I reply to all the sad comments on my channel asking where my videos are. I just don't feel like singing.

I get an Email and I open it, it's from Mr Matthews.

The piano misses you.

He says with an attached picture of it. I decide to go over there. Maybe going to the piano and playing my song will be good for me.

I ask if I can go to school to play and when I am given the all clear I jump in my car and go down to school. I walk down the empty halls and smile. I walk down to the music room and see Mr Matthews, I smile and hug him.

"I missed you girlie." He says.

"I missed you too." I say and give him a small smile. He grabs his briefcase and puts some papers inside.

"I'll be in my office, just holler when you're done." He says. I nod and I sit by the piano. I start playing slowly, quietly. I start humming along.

Soon I am singing loudly to the piano. I've missed this. I add a little more piano to the end and I smile as I finish the song. I smile but it disappears as I hear clapping from the doorway.

"You're better live kitty." Brandon says.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I pull the piano cover over the keys.

"I pass the school on my way to your place and saw your car. I heard you singing and came here." He says.

"What we're you doing going to my place?" I ask as I sling the bag over my shoulder.

"Mr Frank gave us partner work today." He says.

"I told you to get a new partner and you could have told me that in the shop earlier." I say and I walk down to meet him at the doorway.

"I don't want a new partner, plus no one is as good as a tutor than you." He says.

"That is not my problem." I say and push past him, I walk in the direction of Mr Matthews's office.

"What if I blackmailed you?" Brandon asks from behind me. He winks and I take a deep breath.

"You are going to die alone." I say. I stick my head through Mr Matthews's office and I say I am leaving. I walk back out where Brandon waits for me. I glare.

"If looks could kill." He says.

"I wouldn't be the murderer, I think a lot of people hate you." I say. And we walk out tour vehicles.

"Your place or mine?" he asks.

"You go to yours and I go to mine." I say and get in my car.

"It doesn't work like that kitty." He says.

"Yes it does." I snap and turn the key. The engine stutters and I hear it backfire.

"Shit." I say. There is a knock at my window and Brandon holds up two helmets.

The ride to his place is awkward. There are a lot of stops and this dick decides it is ok to speed. I crash into him a lot.

"Can you try and ride this motorbike without wanting to kill me?" I ask.

"There's no fun in that kitty." He says and we turn to go into his driveway.

Is house always amazes me. He comes from a well-known rich family which always makes me wonder why he turned into such a dick but I seem to mot care when he is being so.

"Stop staring and come inside." He says. I roll my eyes and walk into the large house. I bite my lip as I see the grand staircase. We walk upstairs and go into his room.

"Now, here's the question." Brandon says and passes me the piece of paper. I look over it.

"Even you could do this." I say.

"Even if that is true it's meant to be partner work kitty and I think you will see I wear the pants in this relationship." Brandon says.

"What relationship?" I ask. "This is more of a hostage situation than a relationship." I say as I grab a pen from his desk and start writing notes.

"Maybe, but I am enjoying myself." He says.

"Well you are the bad guy, I am an innocent victim, and I don't think it's supposed to be the other way around." I say and throw the piece of paper at him. "Just put that in maybe two paragraphs and you will get it right." I say and stand up. "Can I go home now?" I ask.

"Awe kitty, you really don't like me do you?" he asks.

"No I don't now can I go?" I ask.

"I'll give you a lift just read over this when I'm done." He says as he writes. I lay on his bed.

I turn to my side and look at his bedside table. A picture frame sits there perfectly.

"Who is that?" I ask. Brandon looks back for a second.

"My sister." He says.

"She's beautiful." I say as I pick up the frame and examine it. Brandon is hugging her from the side giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, she was." Brandon says. I look at him and he keeps writing. He must notice my gaze as he looks back with a sad smile. "She was in a car accident two years ago." He says.

"Brandon I'm so sorry." I say with my voice full of sympathy.

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault." He says and keeps writing. A second later he passes me the piece of paper.

"It's good, really good." I say and pass it back to him.

"Couldn't have done it without you." He says and smiles. I shrug and he takes me back to my place. I jump off the bike and so does he so he can put the helmet in the back.

"Do you want to come inside?" I ask.

"No, I'm ok." Brandon says. I nod and swing my bag over my shoulder. I turn around and start walking.

"Aimee?" Brandon asks, I turn around.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I'm sorry about before, I was a dick. I shouldn't have blackmailed you I'm sorry." He says.

"It's ok." I say. "But maybe think about that before and you might just not die alone." I add.

"I'll keep that in mind." He says and I walk into my house.

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