The Yacht

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I wake up at noon with Brandon. I have a shower and walk out only in a towel to get dressed. I look over at the bed and Brandon has his hands under his head and is watching me.

"Stop." I say and grab the clothes.

"You said I could stare if I wanted yesterday." He says. I roll my eyes and he smirks. I slip on my underwear and I turn around when I put on my bra. I put on one of his tops and I go to the bathroom. I grab a facemask Anne got me and I slowly paint my face with the green moose.

"You are one sexy dinosaur." Brandon says. I laugh and reach my arm up, I manage to get some on his nose.

"You might as well do your whole face now." I say and raise my eyebrows.

"Is my face not perfect the way it is?" he asks, pretending to be offended.

"No." I say. He playfully glares. "Come here." I say, he sits next to me and I give him a quick kiss as I turn his face green.

"We can wash it off in fifteen minutes." I say. He looks in the mirror and his face makes me laugh.

"I look awful." He says.

"Do I?" I ask.

"No, but I do." He says. I laugh and give him a kiss.

"Well, you have no one to impress but me, I wouldn't worry." I say.

"Have I not impressed you enough yet?" he asks and flexes. I roll my eyes as he checks himself out in the mirror.

"You definitely impress yourself." I say. He kisses me and I smile.

"I impress you in many ways." He says and pinches my butt. He lightly smacks it and lays back down in bed. We chill for fifteen minutes then wash the green goo off to reveal very soft skin.

"I love your face." He says as he strokes it, I laugh and bat his hand away.

"Just my face?" I ask.

"Maybe a couple other things." He says and kisses me. His hand cups one of my breasts and then goes down to my butt where he lightly smacks it then goes down to my thigh where he lifts it up to his hip. He kisses my neck.

"Don't, you'll leave a mark." I say.

"I don't care." He says and keeps kissing me, I moan and he smiles.

"I guess there is always makeup." I say.

"Good girl." He says and he sits me on the counter next to the sink. I wrap my legs around his lower back and we make out until there is a knock on the door.

"Aimee? I'm taking you to the spa, be ready in an hour." Anne says.

"Ok." I say.

"We have an hour." Brandon says and rubs my thighs.

"No, I have an hour to get ready, you'll have to wait for later or do it yourself." I say and smirk as I walk out. He bites his lip as I walk away and I get ready, making sure I cover any marks made previously.

I walk downstairs and eat breakfast.

"Ready?" Anne asks.

"Yep." I say and we get in her car.

"Where's Daniel?" I ask.

"Probably by the yacht or in the office." She says and I nod. We park in a very fancy parking lot and walk into a place with very calming music.

"Welcome. Oh Anne, it's nice to see you again." The receptionist says.

"I've missed you also Denise." Anne says.

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