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The next two months go by in a blur. Brandon and I would study every day for at least two hours and every Saturday we would go in the pool. Anne seems happier which makes Brandon happier. I would occasionally meet up with Ebony and Brit on my way back from my mum's place where I still make my videos and we would study.

Our last exam we have together, English. We are the first to arrive at the exam hall in school and we wait outside. He kisses my forehead.

"You'll do fine, I'm here." He says and he holds me until we have to go in. he knows I hate exams. I can know everything then freak out in the exam and completely fail.

We sit down next to each other and the two hour exam starts. I calm myself and just start writing. I stick to the basics, answer what the question asks, no more, no less. The last question asks me to describe one person that has influenced me in the past week, I smile and Brandon smiles at me when he reads the question. I start writing.

The person that has inspired me most in the past week is a boy called Brandon. He has shown me that everything can be ok. He makes me feel safe when I feel the most vulnerable. He has such a protective vibe that suits his strong stature perfectly. He has learnt the deepest parts of my soul and has made me confident. With my issues I was surprised anyone could love me, but now, with him, I feel normal, he has restored my faith in humanity and I love him.

Twenty minutes later the teachers stop us and we walk out of the exam hall. The second we are out I wrap my arms around Brandon.

"It's finally over." I say.

"Finally." He says and kisses me.

"Brandon, where have you been?" a boy asks from behind us. I turn around.

"Gavin." He says and holds me close.

"So you finally got with the girl from your English class, nice." He says and holds out his fist.

"Yeah, I have." He says but keeps his hand on my waist.

"So, where have you been? Fridays are so boring without you." He says as he awkwardly puts his fist down.

"I found better things to do." Brandon says.

"I can see." Gavin says and looks me up and down.

"Fuck off Gavin, don't look at her like that." Brandon says.

"Whatever man, you've changed." Gavin says.

"No Gavin. I've grown up." Brandon says and we walk away.

"Wow, thanks." I say as we get to Brandon's bike, I can't drive well when I am nervous so it was the safe thing to do.

"You're welcome baby." He says and leans in to kiss me. He stops as my name is called out from behind me.

"Aimee!" Brit shouts I turn around and she pulls me to the side. "I tried, I really did, I swear." She says as she catches her breath.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Those IT guys that were tracking you, I tried to stop them I really did." She says. I give Brandon a scared face and he instantly comes over.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"They are looking for you." Brit says.

"Oh my god." I say as tears well in my eyes.

"Brandon take her to your place. I'll try and slow things down." brit says and runs off.

"Come on." Brandon says and we drive back to his. He takes me to his room and I burst into tears.

"This can't be happening." I say.

"Shhh, its ok" Brandon lulls.

"They found me." I say. He hugs me and I cry into his chest.

"Look at me." He says and I look him in the eyes.

"I wrote about you for the last question. I said that you inspire me because you are so brave and strong, you can get through anything. You can get through this as well." Brandon says.

"Only if you are there with me." I say. He smiles and kisses my wet lips.

"Of course I will be, forever." He says.

"Ok." I say. He holds me until there is a knock on the door.

"Aimee?" Anne asks.

"Yeah?" I say and she comes in.

"There are camera crews outside, they want to talk to you. You're that girl online?" she asks, shocked.

"Yeah." I say and give her a small smile.

"Awe my girl." She says and hugs me. "Do you want me to send them away?" she asks.

"No, it's ok." I say and stand up. "I'll talk to them." I say.

"Ok sweetie. She says and leaves.

"Here." Brandon says and takes my ankle. He draws on a blade of grass. "I am with you." He says. I kiss him and we walk to the front door. "Ready?" he asks.

"As ready as I will ever be." I say. He kisses my forehead. I wipe away the last tears and I take a deep breath. My hand touches the cold metal handle and I turn it. I open the door and I am surrounded my flashing lights.

"Aimee, are you A3x30?" a woman asks.

"Yes." I say and there are more questions thrown at me.

"Why do you hide your face?" Someone asks.

"Why do you think? I didn't want this. I want to help people with my music because music helped me. But I don't do public things, I wanted to be anonymous for a reason, but I guess that's flown out of the window." I say. "Thank you." I say and I walk back inside as I let the tears fall.

"You did really well." Brandon says.

"Can we just go to bed, cuddle?" I ask quietly.

"Of course, come here." He says and holds me. We take the elevator so we can stay close.

I rest my head on his chest and calm myself with his breathing and the gentle rise and fall of his chest. I'm in a daze. The kind of daze when someone dies and you just feel nothing but an emptiness.

"I don't want things to change." I say as I push hair out of my face and I take a shaky breath in. "I just want to go back to the same field and watch the same sun go down and feel the same normality." I say as I look out of the window.

"So do I, I just want everything to go back to that moment, where you were you and I was me and we were... infinite." Brandon says.

"I think no matter what that will be my favourite day. It was just so... perfect." I say. "There were no distractions, no cameras, and no weird IT guys tracking me. It was us, purely us." I say as I remember the wholeness.

"Go to sleep, I have a plan. Just relax." He says, and I do.

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