(two.) bittersweet

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THE SECOND TIME JUSTIN FOLEY AND I ENCOUNTERED EACH OTHER's PRESENCE. it was raining, not a slight drizzle but the notebook kind in which allie and noah romantically made out in. my mood was far different from that. as he approached closer and closer i got my last sniffles out. i wiped my tears even though they kept on streaming down. i couldn't seem weak.

"twice in one week? it must be my lucky day" i sneered at him, leaning against the wall of a dirty pho place where the dumpsters and rats were held.

he rolled his eyes and took off his hoodie, letting his brown hair grow damp. his hair began slowly creeping to his face but he quickly pushed it back. "yeah yeah do you have my shit?" he asked.

i searched through the pockets of my jean jacket pulling out a small white bag and hesitantly handed it over. he muttered something but i could not seem to comprehend it. maybe it was a thank you. but for what? for leading his life down a filthy path. it did not seem like my problem.

"aren't you gonna go?" i asked him finally breaking the silence. it seemed like we had been standing the for minutes each not uttering a word to each other.

"yes-no-my ride-he has something he's gotta do first" he stuttered. it was quietly which was weird. justin foley used to be the loudest, most acknowledged guy at liberty high school what happened. why wasn't he the same?

i waited for a few minutes for him to say something but it never happened. "come with me" i finally said.

he looked at me shocked. but he seemed like he was up for anything hence why he followed me i guess. we walked past the restaurants going up a staircase of an old closed down bookstore. up beyond a salon until we reached the rooftop.

we sat down together "what's on your mind" it seemed like i was always the one speaking. it was as if he was mute. justin was trapped in an don't speak until your spoken to and it bothered me.

it was fairly quiet in this part of the city. maybe thats why i enjoyed it so much. i was used to so much noise from everyone. everywhere i went they always seemed to scream my name. and this was my spot. where i could think rationally. maybe it could provide a sense of clarity for the broken boy in front of me as well but it didn't seem to do so.

he looked up at me as our eyes connected "a lot of fucked up shit that for sure" he stared back down.

"ooo very dark even for you mr. foley" i grinned.

he looked up trying not to crack a smile "you think you're funny don't you?"

maybe it was the fact that the rain had stopped and the sky was clearing but there was a tension lifted.

"and cute i think i am very cute" i stuck out my tongue in a silly way. he stared back at me trying to hide his cute dimples that made girls faint.

he couldn't hold it anymore and he smiled at me. it seemed like that was the first time he had smiled in ages since it was a true since genuine smile. the one that was infectious and made you smile as well.

"and you say i'm full of myself" he laughed.

he looked at my eyes finally having the courage to not just stare at my feet like usually did. justin foley was one of a kind. his blue eyes were one of a kind. maybe i sound like a cliché story but they were the kind that you could drown in. a painting that you could stare at forever. so beautifully crafted with the intent to be bestowed on a very lucky boy.

"you seem cold" i stated watching goosebumps appear on his skin.

he squinted his eyes, his jaw dropping.

"that's supposed to be my line on a date i swear feminists are rising and that's a good thing because equality and shit" he inquired quickly.

i laughed out loudly "just take my jacket dumb ass" i said handing over my black jean jacket that was filled with heroin twenty minutes ago to my new heroin addicted ex friend now turned friend again i think or maybe a simple acquaintance.

we continued to talk nonsense. he kept looming at my lips "what is there something on my-" i got cut off by his mouth connecting to mine. and instantly we started making out. now i see why every girl raved about him it felt like heaven.

one thing led to another and the next thing i knew i was laying on the cold ground naked. "definitely not how i wanted my first time to go" i sighed.

"wait that was your first. . . " he was shocked and a little dissapointed in himself.

i grinned "nah i'm just kidding justin."

"we should do this again sometime."

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