(five.) detention

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"well well well funny seeing you here beautiful"  guardian angel smiled his feet rested on top of the desk. his eyes followed me as a i sat next to him trying to hide my smile.

i finally let myself smile "you're good" i rolled my eyes. he shrugged taking out a pencil from his ear. i chuckled for some unknown reason. as the teacher began to speak he couldn't keep his eyes off me. he kept staring at me and that made me very self conscious i kept messing with my hair and licking my lips and fiddling with my pencil.

i took a deep breath and locked eyes with him finally "can you please stop that?" i asked him completely and fully in frustration of the effect he had on me.

"stop what?" he smirked charmingly, "wait. am i making you cameron frazier nervous?"

i simply rolled my eyes and kept on trying to read my book. but i could feel his eyes on me. "do you have a problem and what is your damn name?" i sighed.

he looked around taking a seat back completely relaxed. "this is my first time in detention and well since you are dying to know it's wilde. chase wilde." he grinned completely proud of his james bond impression though it was mediocre at best.

i scoffed "are you aware of how douche like your name sounds?" you sat back against your chair doing his cool guy maneuver.

he nodded proudly which was unexpected "yes. yes i do" chase wilde seemed like an interesting character. he had the whole jock persona but his eyes were wild and full of curiosity not just dull. and he was interested in me which seemed more than a tad bit off. i didn't know what was happening.

every time he seemed to even glance my way i would giggle and play with my hair. my messy curly tangly hair that actually hurt like hell to play with. time passed by and i got no work done cause i kept getting in trouble since he kept talking to me.

"you know, not to ruin the moment or anything but this is the most i have ever seen you smile you always look so angry but a cute angry like jigglypuff."

see those kinds of comments that were weird but sweet in some kind of way. the time passed by and before i knew it or even wanted to detention was over. i got up putting my book and highlighter in my backpack and began heading out. "wait for me!" i heard him say, i stopped dead in my tracks and took a deep breath partially of relieved and fake annoyance. i didn't want to be obvious but what about it's not like i was interested in him. right?

he finally got his things in order and put on his back up only using one strap. "i'm sorry for getting you in trouble a bunch of times in class and to make up for it how about you go to dinner with me saturday?" i was at my dad's house on saturday so that could work out, was i even considering this he was a jock. they have taunted me for most of my life.

but he seemed different.

"so what do you say gorgeous?" he said grabbing my hand. it was a strange feeling i had never held hands with anyone else aside from justin and that was in second grade. his hands were warm and soft very soft. he intertwined his hands with mine and looked down glancing up often.

"um-well-yeah" i finally said "do you want my number or something now i guess"

"yeah i kinda need it silly" he said letting go off my hands my heart dropped but i could finally breathe.
we exchanges phone numbers and walked outside together talking about numbers surprisingly we could make a conversation out of anything.

"do you need a ride home?" i wanted to say yes but i just shook my head no. he looked at me and leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. i could feel myself blush as he then took off to his car. i watched him drift off, mental note he was not the safest driver.

i walked around thinking about the small schoolgirl like kiss "what the fuck are you doing with a guy like chase wilde cameron?" justin appeared.

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