(four.) golden

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           ( CHASE  WILDE

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( CHASE WILDE. ) seventeen. junior.

SCHOOL WAS ALWAYS so easy for me. for some reason i had the incomprehensible ability to simply read a book and it to be glued to my memory. a photographic memory i think it was called.

making friends on the other hand was not so easy. i had always been an observer. i never spoke until i was spoke to. and no one ever spoke to me because i had a resting bitch face apparently. for those of you who don't know what a resting bitch face is a person who looks really mean from first glance. and as hard as it is to admit it we do live in a society where we judge books by its cover.

walking into liberty high was always the same, a parade of judgmental teens giving me looks for my baggy dirty jeans. or maybe it was my curly mane of hair. "it's called having natural hair not strings that is gonna fall out before your forty" i smiled at a blonde haired girl who kept eyeing me and whispering to her friend about my hair.

okay, so maybe my resting bitch face was not wrong about my attitude. i un paused my music with one click of my earphones. nicki minaj blasting in my ears and i felt on top of the world now for some reason. i walked over to my locker before finding five guys from the baseball team leaning right against it.

"you do realize i need to use this" i said plastering a fake smile before i was about to go off.

they laughed at me checking me up and down "you know you would look cute if you didn't dress like a dude and did something with your hair" one of them snickered. i looked at them wishing for their sake they would take it back.

i opened my mouth slightly just to laugh sarcastically "oh really now?" i asked "please tell me more we both know you five brady bunch aren't going anywhere. high school thats your kingdom and then when it ends what are you gonna be doing with your lives, living with your cheerleader girlfriend who will go out and tell you she is going to see a movie when in reality she going over to fuck your friends or your children who will have to live off government support because you are going to be a useless washes up nothing? huh? so maybe close your mouths because your on top of the world now the future changes you know okay?"

one of them looked at me with such immense hatred before he walked over to me and grabbed me by the throat "what do you know you little skank" he said squeezing a little tighter "you are just an amateur druglord that's all you'll ever be"

he was cut off by a swing coming right at him. from one of the guys, my guardian angel was slammed on the locker and punched in the stomach.

"what in god's name is happening here" vice principal jackson interjected. he looked at us obviously assuming i was guilty "you three my office now!" he yelled walking in front of us.

i was no stranger to the office but it was usually to see the counselor since they considered me a 'troubled' student. i rolled my eyes wondering why i was being associated with these two though i dis nothing. i am not the woman who raised a misogynist slash woman abuser named derek addams i simply stood up for myself against him. it had to happen eventually.

"so did i get my way?" guardian angel spoke up.

he was sitting right beside me and i had forgotten to thank him for standing up for me. no one had ever done that for me no that i was gonna say that. "what do you mean?" i asked him.

he smirked showing me a glimpse of his pearly whites "did i get the pretty girl to give me her number?" i couldn't help but giggle. it suprised me that i—cameron frazier had actually giggled.

he grinned at me "no time to flirt mr. wilde get in there" the vice principal interrupted again. atleast i had his last name. i couldn't help but stare at him as he got dragged by jackson in there.

when he finally came out he still had a smirk plastered to his face. undeniably he was very handsome with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. his thin lips were bubblegum pink and he kept biting them making them turn a cherry red.

"i got detention you can give me you're number there" he licked his lips and winked.

he walked away from the office and then it was my turn. i got stuck with detention as well i guess he was correct. i didn't mind having detention it was my dad's day. which basically meant that i had to be at his house. i did not know how both my parents had been able to get shared custody in my opinion of them they didn't deserve shared custody or custody of me at all.

i walked out of the office and got grabbed by none other than my favorite midnight rendezvous partner. his hands landed on my waist. no one was in the hallways and he planted a kiss on my lips. "the fuck do you think your doing foley?" i cocked an eyebrow.

he let go of me and rubbed his neck "i don't know i was thinking—" i knew what he was thinking and hell no. i stopped him right at his tracks and pushed him away slightly.

before grabbing his collar and kissing him passionately not minding that we were inches away from the office "no" i said shoving him away and walking to class.

"you're such a tease" he called out.

i smirked and walked away.

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