Witches + Ice Cream + a movie= Lucinda

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Y/n= your name
L/n= last name
H/c= hair color
F/c= favorite color
F/s= favorite song
F/b= favorite band
F/t/s= favorite tv show

I finished chemistry and checked the clock. Dang it! The ice cream stand closes in 30 minutes. I threw open Ian's door and charged in, " get up, we're going for ice cream!" I yell. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the car. I started it then backed out of the drive way. The song "human" came on, and Ian totally rocked out to it. I laughed, hah, he's such a funny little dude. As I pulled into the small lot, I ruffled his hair. "Come on dude, get out of my car!" He jumped out and ran to the stand. "Hmmm... I'll have... Mint chip!" He said excitedly. "Alright... I can respect that" I said "give me... Moose tracks!" I said (if you don't know what moose tacks is.. Well I've lost all respect I never had for you!) we sat down at a picnic table and ate our ice cream.

I noticed a black car pull into the lot. I girl with orange hair stepped out of it. "Oh... Hey!" She said walking towards us. "I don't usually see anyone when I come this late." She stated. "Yeah we don't come too often, just when we have free time." She took off her sunglasses and stretched a hand out for me to shake. "I'm Lucinda... And you are?" "I'm y/n and this is my bro-bro Ian!" "Hey" He said with a shy wave. She ordered her ice cream and sat down with us. "So where do you go to highschool?" She asked "were stationed at PDH!" Ian said. "Stationed?" She questioned? "Sorry military stuff... We went to a military school for a while." I explained. "That's... Really cool!" She said, her face broke into a smile." We continued to talk about O'kasis Military Academy for a while

Her phone buzzed. She looked down at it and sighed. "Is something wrong?" I asked her cautiously. I knew how humans could get about this kind of stuff. "Yeah.. Parent issues. Am I right?" She gave us a weak smile. "We got into an argument and mom says I can't set foot into the house 'til I apologize." She rolled her eyes, adding a dramatic effect. "Ouch, well you're welcome to crash at our place if you'd like." I said. She gasped. "You'd do that for me!? Ohhhh... Thank you! thank you! thank you!" She grabbed me and shook me. "Woah! not to loud please, my ears are bleeding!" I yelled. "Whoops, sorry!" She gave a playful smile. "Lead the way girl." I got up and told Ian to get in the car, and that I was dj-ing. He whined all the back to it. Lucinda hopped into her car and followed me home. I turned on 1985 and sang it all the way home!


I pulled into the drive way and hopped out. Lucinda's car came soon after. She jumped out and I grabbed her arm and pulled her up to my room. I flopped onto my bed, and pulled out my math homework. Lucinda had her purple backpack with her as well so she started to do some homework too.

I rolled my eyes. "Lucinda, are you gonna do the homework, or just continue to ask me for the answers?" "Mmmmm... Not too sure. Probably the second option?" I groaned. "You know what? Let's watch a movie!" She clapped "YAY! what movie?!"she squealed. Hmmmm. "Ok" I turned on Netflix. "How about... Cloudy with a chance of meatballs?" "No, to childish." "How about Zookeeper?" "No, I don't think so." "Uh... How about.... Earth to Echo?" "Huh? YAS! Thats like my favorite movie of. All. Time! Turn. It. On. NOW!" She stole the controller and fumbled with the buttons "Ok, ok, yeesh, you're a demanding little devil aren't you?!" "Yep, and I'm gonna try to turn you to an evil servant." She rolled her eyes. The sarcasm dripped from her voice, it sounded almost like poison.

"How do you do that?" "Hmmm... Do what?" "You know, make you're voice change!" She laughed "awww, darling that's an easy answer, magicks!" She giggled. Wait Lucinda is a witch?! I laughed it off. " yeah easy for you to say, I don't think I could identify magicks for the life off me!" She laughed, and started the movie. I got to the part about the kids naming the alien Echo, then......

Drifted....................... Off... To sleep....................


Hey what's up?! I decided to randomly upload this at like... 12:00...... In the morning. (Don't judge) anywhoooooo, LOVE PUNCH! Jk LOVE TACKLE! Got you again, love you! BAI!!!!!!!


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