Chapter 1

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"Satan spawn."
"Stay away from him, he's dangerous!"
"He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't even be alive."

None of this was new to me. Ever since everyone had found out I was the son of Satan, people have been scared of me. I don't blame them at all, though. Who wouldn't be scared of a demon like me?

As I walked into the class my twin brother Yukio taught, I noticed everyone had moved away from my seat. The Kyoto group glared at me, Izumo just looked disinterested as usual, but what hurt the most was Shiemi. She was my first friend and possibly the nicest girl in school. But she had also moved. She looked terrified to the point where she was about to cry.

I hung my head and moved to my seat where I mostly just ignored the lesson. I sat there thinking about how I would win my friends back. If I could ever get their trust back. Maybe if I talked to Shiemi first I could-

"RIN! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" It was Yukio, and boy was he mad.

The Kyoto group snickered as I replied, "Uhh yeah, of course!" It wasn't very convincing.

"Right. Then what was I saying?"

Crap. "Um you were talking about how many holy water pills it takes to put a low level demon to sleep...?"

"That's right, technically, but that's what we talked about last week! You have to start paying more attention in class, Rin! Class dismissed for the day."

I sighed. I had, yet again, disappointed Yukio. On the way out of the classroom, Bon snidely remarked, "Maybe you should pay more attention in class, demon."

"What's your problem, Suguro?" I knew I shouldn't have said it, but I had been dealing with this all day.

"Rin..." Yukio started.

"What's my problem?" Bon practically snarled, "My problem is that a demon like you shouldn't even be in this school, let alone alive!" That stung. He grabbed my shirt in his fist and practically shouted, "I don't want you near my friends you hear me, Satan-spawn?"

"Loud and clear." I mumbled. Bon let go of my shirt and left.

I started to get my stuff when Yukio said, "You shouldn't provoke him, you know."

I grabbed my things and left for the dorm without another word. Kuro excitedly met me at the door and I half-heartedly ruffled his fur. He could tell something was up, but he never said anything. I was kind of grateful for that. I flopped on my bed not bothering to put my stuff away.

About an hour later I heard the door slam downstairs and footsteps approaching the room I shared with my twin. Yukio's home then. I really wasn't in the mood for a lecture about schoolwork so I headed up to the roof. Apparently, I left the room too late and ran into Yukio as soon as I opened the door.

"Rin, we need to talk," he said immediately.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Look, I know you don't like lectures about school so I'll keep this short. You really need-"

At that moment we heard a loud crash come from the kitchen. Not a second later came a pained yelp.

"Kuro!?" I yelled and bolted down the stairs. As I arrived in the kitchen I took in the scene. Kuro had fallen of the counter and taken the knife rack with him, accidentally slicing his paw open. It wasn't bad, but it still must have hurt.

"Is everything okay?" Yukio came into the kitchen saying.

I cradled Kuro in my arms while I explained what had happened to Yukio. I took Kuro's paw in my hand and felt a pain in my own hand. I let out a startled gasp. When I looked down, Kuro's paw was healed and my hand had a gash down the palm.

"Rin?" Yukio said after I gasped.

"I-I think I just healed Kuro!" I told him. Yukio just looked at me with surprise on his face. I kept my injured hand out of view as I showed him because I knew he wouldn't let me find out more if he knew it hurt me. My demonic healing would fix it in a few seconds anyway.

"This is amazing Rin!" Yukio said in disbelief.

"I know!" I replied excitedly. I never had to worry about my friends again!

"We have to find out more!" He said in full exorcist mode and for once I couldn't agree more.

Time Skip

The next morning at school I was all smiles. Everyone looked at me in distrust, but today I couldn't care less. When I walked into class, the Kyoto group was glaring at me, so nothing new.

"What's got Okumura so happy?" I heard Shima say to Bon.

"I don't know but it can't be good." My smile faltered a little bit, but then I remembered what had happened last night and it was back in a flash. I also noticed Shiemi staring at me like she wanted to say something. She almost looked... guilty? I kind of hoped she would talk to me.

I slept through class and was the last one to leave the room. When I got to the courtyard I saw Shiemi talking to the others and quickly hid behind a tree. I knew I shouldn't be listening, but I couldn't help myself.

"Guys, I think we should forgive Rin!" She was saying. I felt hope soar in my chest.

"I mean she's right," Izumo said, "he's still the same person, we just know more about him. We didn't think he was going to hurt us before, right? So what's the difference now?" Even Izumo? I was the happiest person alive right now.

"Did you not forget he's the son of Satan?" I heard Konekomeru say. I knew the Kyoto group would be the least likely to forgive me because of the Blue Night when Satan killed their families.

"Even if he wouldn't hurt us, he still didn't trust us enough to tell us!" Bon said. That was his argument? I misjudged him.

"It's not like he could have told us anyways..." Shima spoke up quietly. I didn't really want to hear anything else so I walked past them and in the direction of my next class. They scattered pretty quickly after that.

The rest of the day flew by and pretty soon I was in my bed at home, ready to fall asleep. I had high hopes that maybe somebody would talk to me tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to wait and see....

(A/N): So that's the first chapter! Sorry if there is a lot of OOC as this is my first fanfiction and I am trying to get used to writing characters. I plan on continuing this and I am definitely up for constructive criticism and advice!

Also I do NOT own Blue Exorcist or any of its characters. Nor do I own any pictures.

Til next time! :*

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