Chapter 8

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We packed up and moved to and old warehouse in the next few days but we still had school. The warehouse reminded me a lot of the one the demon took me to and it was difficult sleeping there. I tried my best, nonetheless.

At school, we had finally gotten to the last class, Yukio's, and I was actually managing to stay awake. We weren't really talking about anything particularly interesting, though, so I was just kind of looking around. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a blue spark shoot from my hand. I jerked my head down and stared in disbelief. But I saw nothing. I shook my head thinking it was only a side effect from the demon's mind tricks.

I had just convinced myself to calm down when, suddenly, I burst into flames. I shoved my chair back and jumped out of my seat. Everyone looked at me but I raced to the door. I stood there panting and was just glad I got away from Shiemi before I burnt her. I can only imagine how scared everyone was. How scared I was.

"Rin what's going on?" Bon asked shooting up at the speed of light.

"What's.... wrong?" I asked. I was really confused, "You mean- You don't...?" They didn't see the fire leaping from my body?

In an instant the fire was gone. I blinked for a few seconds and then just kind of stared at my hands in a daze.

"...Rin?" inquired Yukio, slowly rising from his chair as well.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and mumbled, "Sorry." I shuffled back to my chair.

"Rin what was that?" Bon asked moving so that he was in front of me. I refused to meet eye contact and he startled me by slamming his hand down on the desk. I looked up.

"I don't know."

"Y- What do you mean you don't know!?" He yelled.

"I thought I was on fire! I thought I lost control so I jumped up and ran so I wouldn't burn Shiemi!" I blurted out really fast.

"That didn't happen." Yukio said.

"Huh?" I intelligently replied.

"This demon is still messing with you. Isn't he?" Yukio stated.

"Okumura! You didn't tell us that!" Konekomaru said.

Before Bon could start his spiel again I said, "This is the first time it's happened since then!" Bon looked at me suspiciously.
"I promise!" I said throwing my hands up defensively.

"Either way, we're going to have to be careful." Yukio said, "We don't know whether this is a side effect or if the demon is near."

Just then the bell rang and we all started walking to the warehouse we were staying in.

'You're less powerful than I thought, boy. Can't even handle one little illusion? Pathetic.'

What the hell? I stopped walking. Was this the demon? It had to be. The others noticed I had fallen back and they looked at me.

I shook my head and kept walking muttering, "Illusions."

If they were already worried about the illusions they didn't need to be worried about this. Yukio and Bon threw each other worried glances but I continued walking.

As soon as we got to the warehouse I shivered. Bon threw me a look so I explained, "It reminds me of the warehouse that demon kept me in..."

"You going to be alright staying here?" Bon asked. I nodded. I hoped that I wouldn't have nightmares.

We had decided to stick together in the same room so the demon couldn't snatch me in the middle of the night. They made me promise not to wander off in the middle of the night. We killed the extra time before night in various ways. Most of the Exwires studied and I cooked. I purposely picked a complicated dish so I wouldn't have any time to study. No thanks! As I added the last of the ingredients to the dish I heard the demon again.

'Too much sauce. Blech. You really aren't good at anything are you? You'll be easy to capture.' It purred the last part of the sentence.

I just wanted this guy to leave me and my friends alone.

'Aw worried about your precious friends, are we?'

This guy was annoyingly sarcastic.

'Ohhh I'm hurt.'

Shut up!

Just then someone walked into the makeshift kitchen but I didn't hear them

"Rin?" When I didn't respond, Bon rushed over to me muttering to himself, "Man, just how bad are these illusions?"

He lightly shook my shoulder and I jerked out of my conversation in my head.

"Sorry." I said yet again and continued stirring, "Dinner's finished if everyone wants to come grab a bowl." I told him. He just patted my shoulder and gave me a knowing look before going to fetch the others.

After we filled our stomachs we went off to bed. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I was so tired. Just as I started drifting off to sleep I heard the one voice I never wanted to hear again.


I bolted upright, wide awake, and my heart beating twice it's normal rate. I looked around and noticed mostly everyone asleep, though Yukio did ask what was wrong. I waved him off and was just glad Bon wasn't awake. I tried going back to sleep. The voice was so loud that I had been wide awake so it was difficult, but I finally managed to start drifting off again. Much to my dismay I heard the demon again.


I didn't bolt up this time but I did flinch pretty hard. He could try being quieter....

This went on the rest of the night and I didn't get any sleep at all. Everyone else slept sound as a baby. I decided that, since I was already up, I might as well make breakfast. Soon everyone was awake to the smell of bacon and eggs. I was beyond tired and kept yawning. Not to mention I probably had dark circles under my eyes the size of saucers.

"Rin you look like crap." Bon stated after everyone got their food.

"Thanks, Bon." I said, too exhausted to come up with anything better. I leaned my head on my hand and started to fall asleep but the voice just kept yelling.

"No, seriously Rin, you look like you didn't sleep at all." Bon said. Great. Now all the attention was on me again.

"That's because I didn't." I said sluggishly. I yawned once again and went to do the dishes. Bon followed me.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" he asked as he dried the dishes I washed.

"Demon." I was too tired to coherently form a response.

"Was he here!?" Bon said, suddenly much more alert.

"No, no." I said.

"Oh." he replied, "Is it because of those illusions?"

"Yeah somethin' like that." I said, my words still slurring from tiredness. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Bon. I really really liked my sleep.

"We'll figure something out, I promise." Bon said.

I nodded and started to get my school things together. It was going to be a long day.

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