Chapter 11

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I went to Yukio's class and it turns out we were working with these plants that had thorns that were apparently toxic to demons. It would make most demons pass out for up to an hour, but for a high class demon it would only be half an hour. I really should have paid attention to that.

I was being extra careful as we were learning the exact spot to cut the thorns off, because apparently that mattered, when the demon chose to yell at a very high volume.


I jerked violently, accidentally knocking Shiemi's plant over on her in the process.

"Shiemi!" I yelled, "I'm so sorry, let me heal that." I placed my hands on her arm to heal the scratch the plant had left behind.

"Rin, that's not a good idea!"

I vaguely heard my brother, but it was too late. The scratches transferred to my arm and Yukio dragged me to the door.

"Class dismissed! We'll meet you all at the warehouse in a few hours," my brother said. My vision was swimming, but somehow I remained upright.

"Mr. Okumura-" Bon started.

"I'll explain later, just go." My brother still somehow managed to sound calm. Everybody left and Yukio dragged me to the infirmary. I didn't quite make it to the cot before the world tilted and went black.


I woke up all at once, rather than gradually, which was kind of odd. Yukio was sitting next to me reading a book and sipping a cup of tea. He didn't necessarily look worried so I relaxed.

"So, what happened when I healed Shiemi's arm? That's never happened before. And how long was I passed out?"

"Well, you healed a cut which was made by a plant poisonous to demons. If you had listened to my lecture, you would have known that. You were only out for half an hour, something you also would have known if you listened," Yukio said sternly.

I cringed, "So do they know about the... drawback of my power?"

"No. You really should tell them."

"Yukio, they don't need to know."

He sighed. He set his cup down and closed his book in his lap.

"If you really insist on keeping this secret, we'll have to stay another hour so your classmates won't suspect anything other than a side effect. I'll tell them that we run tests after the side effects to see what causes them."

"Thanks. I know you hate lying, but I can't help but feel that when something bad happens they won't let me heal them if they know about the side effect. Really, if I'm a demon I'll heal faster anyways. It's just better this way." I told him. I was really grateful he was keeping this secret for me, but he seemed uneasy about it.

"Just don't be reckless, Rin. Know your limits." Yukio quietly said.

We waited a little over an hour before heading to the warehouse. I was really dreading the conversation that I knew would happen. Sure enough, when we walked in everyone was waiting. Yukio and I sat down and the questions started immediately.

"What was that?" Bon asked first.

"Remember the side effect I told you about? Rin here wanted to get out before you saw it."

"And what exactly is this side effect? Why is it so bad you feel like you have to hide it from us Okumura?" Shims asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing bad really. It doesn't hurt," I felt bad for so blatantly lying but I had to, "I just passed out for a while is all. On the bright side I got some sleep!"

"Not really the same thing, Rin." Yukio said.

Izumo looked like she was about to say something when Bon interrupted. I was glad because Kamiki is smart. She might figure something out.

"What made you jump so bad in the first place? Was it the demon?" Bon said.

"Yeah, he just screamed really loud. All he said was 'two days.' Which doesn't give us much." I told him. When they were done with all of their questions, which I mostly dodged, we went off to bed. I spent the entire night bored because I couldn't sleep, ironically, finding entertainment only when the demon shouted something random.

The next day at school I felt like a zombie. I haven't slept for four days, which I'm almost sure isn't possible for a human. Good thing I'm half demon, I guess. I prepared myself for another take-care-of-yourself lecture as I made my way to one of my last classes of the day. Sure enough, at the end of class the teacher pulled me aside.

"Rin-" he started.

I had barely kept my eyes open throughout class, and I wouldn't have if it weren't for the demon. I was barely awake and I was not happy.

"With respect, sir, I don't feel like doing this today." I slurred tiredly. I weakly pulled away and swayed as I tried to walk down the hallway. I stumbled and crashed into Bon as he was walking down the hallway. He quickly steadied me and then studied my face with unmasked worry.

"Mmm sorr' Bon." I rubbed my eyes.

"We need to get you to your brother. You don't look good," Bon said, "Don't worry I'll take him to Mr. Okumura," he added to the teacher.

I was too tired to care as he guided me down the hall and I swayed and leaned heavily on him. I guess there's only so long even a demon can go without sleep. Bon kept glancing at me every so often.

"'m fine, don' worry. Jus' tired." I said. I don't really think it comforted him.

Just as we reached my brother's classroom door I collapsed and swayed heavily onto Bon. He let me down onto the ground slowly. I couldn't help but think, 'Finally.'

I was so tired.

The last thing I saw was Bon's face hovering above mine as I sank blissfully into the darkness.

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