Chapter 5

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~Bon's P.O.V.~

I was awakened by Shima throwing pens at me and saying "Wake up." repeatedly from across the room. I glared at him and suddenly remembered my late night adventures with Okumura. I got ready and worked my way down through the dorm and walked towards his room.

He usually came out right when we arrived so I was surprised when he didn't. I don't know how he does it, but he always comes out of the room at the EXACT time we pass by. I shrugged thinking maybe he went down to eat early and we continued on our way.

When we got down there, Rin was nowhere to be seen. At this point, I was thinking maybe he slept in. I was about to go wake him up when I saw a slightly worried Yukio approach our table, "Have any of you seen Rin? He isn't in the room and I've searched all of the places he could possibly be."

"Maybe he went to school early for some reason?" Konekomaru suggested.

"Okumura? Go to school early?" Shima spluttered incredulously.

"Jokes aside, Shima's right. You don't think he could be on the roof do you?" I asked Yukio.

"I already checked."

"Before we panic, let's just wait and see if he's at school. He does have a tendency to go off on his own and not tell us." I said trying to calm my teacher down.

"That's a good idea. I'll have Mephisto keep an eye out for him as well." Yukio said seeming to have regained his composure.

As we went to regular school classes, I impatiently awaited fourth hour because that was the first class I shared with the missing blue-haired demon. I checked with Shima and Konekomaru and they didn't have him until then either.

When fourth hour arrived, Rin never showed up. He has, on occasion, skipped his regular school classes so we decided to wait for cram school. Even though I knew all of this, I still had a bad feeling about this whole situation.

When it was time for cram school I all but raced into my first class. No Okumura. I asked to be excused to speak with another teacher and headed for Yukio's classroom.

I got to his door and the youngest Okumura immediately looked to the door as if he had been waiting for me. I shook my head. He excused himself for a moment from his class and came out with me into the hallway.

"I haven't seen him. Not in regular school classes, not in cram school classes." I said.

"Meet with me in my room at the dorm after school. Bring Shima and Konekomaru."

"What are you planning to do?" I asked him.

"I don't know yet, but something is definitely not right. I'll inform Mephisto."

I nodded and headed back to my class. What did that idiot get himself into? I thought about last night and how weird it was. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced he wasn't sleep walking. After what happened when we ran into each other at school, I started thinking. Maybe he was chasing after that demon and he found it? That moron is always trying to do things by himself!

Before I knew it, it was time for the last class of the day: Yukio's. One of the first things asked was Shiemi, "Where's Rin?"

"As some of you may have heard," Yukio sighed, "my brother has gone missing. I would appreciate it if you would let me know if you find anything out."

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Shiemi asked very obviously concerned about her missing friend.

"Truthfully, I don't know." Yukio told her, "Rin could have gotten himself into any number of situations. You know how he is."

"Well then we'll help find him." Izumo spoke up.

"Thank you, Kamiki." Yukio said genuinely grateful.

When the bell rang, everyone ended up going to Yukio's dorm except that one weird kid with the sock puppet. We all wanted to help find Rin.

"What did Mephisto say when you told him about Rin?" Shiemi asked.

"Mephisto said he will be sending out people to search for him. The Vatican will not be pleased if they found out he went missing. He also said he thinks that Rin was chasing after the same demon that burned the other dorm down. He said that Rin very well may have found the demon. Or the demon found him." Yukio said.

"If he did that to the dorm, who knows what's happening to Rin right now." I said. The little dummy worried me.

"Exactly." Yukio said, "Which is why we need to find him as soon as possible. Where is the last place any of you saw him?"

"I actually saw him in the middle of the night." I quickly explained, "I thought he was sleep walking so I just laughed it off, but now I'm not so sure."

"Do you remember what he said?" asked Yukio.

"Something about going to the bathroom. When I told him this was the farthest bathroom he kind of stopped making sense so I just figured he was sleep walking."

Yukio sighed, "He was probably trying to throw you off. Don't feel bad, he does it a lot. He thinks he can handle everything on his own."

"Why does he do that? Doesn't the idiot know we will help him?" I asked.

"Of course he does. That's WHY he does it. He doesn't want anyone hurt because of him. Especially since our father, Father Fujimoto, died and he thinks it was all his fault." Yukio replied wearily.

I didn't know much about this Father Fujimoto, but I did know that his death wasn't Rin's fault. It was Satan's, no matter what Rin might say. Rin certainly knows how to bite off more than he can chew.

"You have no idea how excited Rin was when he found out about his healing ability." Yukio continued, "He's sworn me to secrecy, but please, try not to let him use that ability too much? It has some unpleasant.... side affects."

"Of course he wouldn't tell us that." I muttered.

My phone suddenly rang. Huh? Nobody called me unless it was Shima but he's here. I fished the phone out of my pocket and immediately recognized the number.

"Rin." I said.

Everyone collectively held their breath as I answered it and put it on speaker. We heard ragged breathing and a creepy laughing noise in the background. It sounded like Rin was trying to get away. We could head his footsteps running. Suddenly, there was a clatter like the phone had be dropped and slid across the ground.

"You'll regret that."

That menacing sentence was the last thing we heard before the line went dead.

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