Chapter 10

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Class got over faster than I would have liked and soon enough everyone was gathered around me in the warehouse.

"Start talking." Bon crossed his arms. With a heavy sigh I rubbed my eyes and started.

"I wasn't going to tell you because I didn't want to worry you, but I guess that happened anyways. So, the visions have stopped, but I think the demon is somehow.... talking to me in my head. Every time I'm about to fall asleep, BAM he yells something stupid."

"Rin, you can't keep things like this from us. We have to know everything in order to help you," Yukio said looking concerned that I hadn't told him.

"Yeah I know. Sorry, guys, I thought I could handle that part on my own. Guess I was wrong."

"You really need to stop doing that. I know you have these weird trust issues, but as much as you seem to think otherwise, we care about you. You've gotta let us in, Rin." Bon was very serious at the moment and it kinda unnerved me. I was too tired to really dwell on it, though.

"I'll try." I said honestly. And I really would.

'Aw isn't that so sweet? The dysfunctional demon working through his emotions. You really think you can trust them again? After what they did to you? You think they CARE about demon scum like you? Ha! You're more naive than I thought!'

I flinched at the sudden comment and then growled and clutched my head. Now that everyone knew what was going on, they didn't ask what was happening. Instead, Bon asked a different question.

"What did he say?"

I nervously told them. I was wondering if they would ask every time I reacted to a comment. I was assuming yes.

"You.... know that's not true though, right Rin?" Shima asked apprehensively.

"I'm working on it." I said. No one said anything, which I was grateful for. I knew they would try and help me and I already felt some weight lift off my shoulders after I told them. I really should try to trust them more.

For supper I made Sukiyaki, much to everyone's delight, and soon after we headed off to bed. Well, I tried. After a while, I just decided to go sit and look out the window. It wasn't long before I heard footsteps approaching and looked behind me to see Bon.

"How exactly does this demon keep you up? What does he say?" he asked sitting next to me on the ledge.

"Well, usually it doesn't matter what he says, it's just that he screams it in my brain. It gives me a headache, to be honest. You know, just last night, he sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at the top of his lungs for 12 consecutive hours. That was great." I told him finishing sarcastically. I was getting a little more bitter with every hour of sleep that was stolen from me.

Bon cringed as I told him and said that he wished he could help. I just told him that everyone was helping more than they think and that he should go back so at least one of them got a decent night's rest.

"Well, the least I can do is stay up with you tonight so you have some company." he said determinedly, "Besides, what's one night of missed sleep compared to your three?"

"Thanks, Bon." I genuinely smiled.

'Three days, boy. Enjoy it while it lasts, my prince.'

The last two words were dripping with sarcasm. I must've looked confused because Bon looked at me questioningly. I told him what the demon had said to me.

"We have to go wake the others." Bon immediately stood up.

"Why?" I asked.

"He could be planning to attack in three days. That's the only thing I can think that would mean. We have to be prepared."

We got everyone up with many protests, mainly from Shima and Izumo. As soon as everyone was awake enough to carry a conversation, they gathered together.

"Why did you wake us all up?" Izumo asked sounding extremely annoyed.

"This better be good." Shima agreed.

"We think we know when the demon is going to attack." Bon got right to the point.

Everyone was immediately wide awake and I told them everything that had happened that night.

"We'll stock up on holy water, then. For now, everyone get as much rest as they can. We'll need it to help fight." Yukio instructed.

I wish I could actually get sleep. Bon ended up staying awake with me and we made breakfast before everyone awoke. We went off to school, all of our senses alert. You just never know with demons.

The teacher that had been giving me so many problems once again pulled me aside after class, "Rin, I can tell you still haven't been sleeping. I think you need to go see a professional about this. Your health isn't something you should take lightly."

"And I'm not taking it lightly, sir. I'm fine."

"Rin, you're not fine. If you won't talk to me, talk to your brother or your friends. You can't take everything on alone."

I was really just kind of tired and bitter at this point so I said, "Funny how everyone keeps telling me that yet here I am! Doing just fine on my own."

I walked away but he grabbed my arm, "It's not healthy, Rin. I'm worried about you."

"Like I've said before," I told him yanking my arm away, "I'm perfectly fine."

And with that I walked away. I knew he was worried, but at this point I just couldn't bring myself to care. I knew he was watching me as I left, and I just hoped he wouldn't do anything drastic like call the school nurse. At least Yukio knew so I wouldn't have to worry about him being called.

Little did I know that the day was going to get a whole lot worse.

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