Chapter 6

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~Rin's P.O.V.~

I had been here for two hours and still the only time someone came into the room was to reapply holy water to my bindings. I didn't exactly know where 'here' was though. All I knew was that I was tied to a chair and blindfolded.

Finally, I heard the door open and close and I heard something approach my chair. My tail was twitching wildly, also tied down to the back of the chair.

"I never knew our prince would be so easy to. capture." the demon that had kidnapped me hissed.

"Well, that's kind of what happens when you sneak up behind someone." I said feeling cocky.

"You were easy to capture but there's no doubt you are strong. Stronger than myself, I am sure," the demon mused. I didn't trust this guy one bit.

"What do you want with me? I'd rather be on my way if you'd just untie me here." I was annoyed with this demon. I tended to get more reckless when I knew my friends weren't around for him to hurt.

"Of course, our little prince will have to be broken down before any of us are strong enough to take him back to Gehenna."

I didn't like the sound of that. I didn't like the sound of that, AT ALL.

"Quit talking like that, it's weird! I'm literally right here!" I yelled. I felt something wet splash my face and had an instant to react before it started burning. Holy water. I just managed to hold back a scream and smirk at him.

"That all you got?" I taunted. I knew I shouldn't, but that didn't stop me. The demon let out a frustrated growl. I knew I was getting on his nerves but I wanted to get the bad stuff over with. I heard him pull out what sounded like a knife and I heard water sloshing around. I put two and two together and braced myself.

The knife had been dipped in holy water and immediately stung as he dragged it down my arm. He sliced in multiple places, including my cheek and the base of my neck. I managed to only let out a small grunt of pain.

"You're going to need to step it up a bit, buddy. I've got somewhere to be in the morning."

"Very well then. Let me just take off your blindfold."

Huh? I felt him tugging at the knot behind my head, and before I knew it, I could see the old warehouse I was in. That wasn't what I was looking at, though. What I was looking at was my friends. Dead. No. This can't be happening. No no no.

"You did this to them," the demon hissed, "You did this to them and you don't even remember how! What kind of monster kills his own friends?"

"Stop! This isn't even torture! I know this is fake!" And even though I knew, it still felt real. The panic in my chest felt real. The fear felt real.

"Very well," the demon said. In the blink of an eye they were up and alive, all looking at me. I was confused as to what he was doing when he went over and killed them one by one.

"Stop!" I screamed. It all felt too real.

The demon smirked at me and made all of my friends disappear. Then he turned and left the room, not even looking back. I let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding. I started to hyperventilate. I needed to get out of here. Who knows what he could do to my real friends!

The demon came back every half hour to pour holy water on the bindings. He put the blindfold back on, as well. I heard the door creak, marking a little over three hours. I was confused because the demon had just left. So who was this?

I heard multiple voices and then Yukio cried out, "Rin! Don't worry we'll get you out of here."

"Yukio? You have to leave! This demon is psychotic!"

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