Chapter 3

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Smoke. I could smell it before I saw it on our way to the boy's dormitory. Yukio and I ran as fast as we could, which for me was a little faster due to my half demon side. When we arrived, Bon was the first one to see us. The whole dormitory was in flames.

"Bon, what happened? Is everyone okay?" I frantically asked.

"Everyone got out in time, but a couple of people have some burns. Think you could help out?"

"What happened here?" Yukio asked before I could reply.

"No one is entirely sure. We think it was a high level demon but we don't know how it could have gotten past the protective wards."

"I'll go fix everyone up." I said determinedly.

"Rin.... Be careful, okay?" Yukio said.

I nodded and rushed off to the closest person. I saw Yukio get on his cell phone as I knelt by a boy I had seen around school on occasion.

"Where are you hurt?" I asked him.

"I have a small burn on my arm, but it's nothing big," he replied. I healed his arm, feeling it on my own before finding the next person. In the end, the worst injury turned out to be Bon who had been trying to fend off the demon. Even that had healed without a problem, luckily.

Fire trucks arrived, but it was too late to save anything. I approached Yukio who had just gotten off the phone.

"I spoke with Mephisto," he said, " and the boys will be staying in the abandoned dormitory with us until theirs can be reconstructed."

"Do you really think that's the wisest idea? I mean, we were put in the abandoned dorm for a reason..." I pointed out, my mind flashing back to the camping trip when I had lost control of my flames.

"Don't worry about it, Rin. I'll be there to keep an eye on things and they will be on the other side of the dorm." At least there's that.

Yukio helped everyone get settled in to their new rooms while I cooked a meal for everyone with Ukobach. I'll have to say, it's kind of weird having all of the people down there instead of just Yukio and I. It'll take some getting used to. Mainly, I'm just glad everyone got out of the building okay. Everyone went to bed relatively early that night after the fire trauma.

The next morning I actually woke up on time and didn't have to rush. I decided to keep Kuro mainly in my room because I didn't know how the other students would react to him. He didn't seem to happy about the idea but I told him I would leave my window cracked and he could leave any time he wanted. He seemed content with that agreement.

I sat at the table I usually sat at with Yukio and Shima plopped down across the table from me and Bon and Konekomaru weren't far behind. Somehow, even though we made up, I wasn't expecting them to sit with me and I slightly raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"This place is pretty creepy! How have you stayed here all this time with just your brother, Rin?" Shima said shivering for effect. Bon just slapped the back of his head.

"It's not creepy, but it would get pretty boring." Bon remarked.

"You're telling me! One time, I actually did my homework. Out of boredom." I said. This invoked some laughter from everyone as we finished up our breakfast.

When we got to school we went our separate ways to different classes. The rest of the classes after lunch most of us had together. When we got to my brother's class, Shiemi immediately ran to us asking what had happened and if everyone was okay.

"Everyone's good, there was a fire last night at the boy's dorm. There were a few minor burns but Rin helped out a lot." Bon started explaining. At the last part Yukio shot me a look and I knew Bon had seen it. I hoped he wouldn't ask me about it later.

"Yeah, we're all moved into the abandoned dorm with Rin!" Shima told her.

"Well I'm glad everyone is okay. But what started the fire?" Shiemi questioned.

"It seemed like some high level demon," Konekomaru answered her, "but we're not sure how it would have gotten past the protective wards."

"Will it come back?" she answered seeming frightened.

"We've got people on it now. It's nothing to worry about." Yukio stepped in. Everyone settled down enough for him to continue with his lesson, but my mind was elsewhere. What did this demon want? Maybe it was a good thing everyone was in our dorm, in case it came back.

"Oi! Moron! Pay attention!" Bon whispered, loud enough to shake me out of my thoughts but not loud enough to alert Yukio. I gave him an apologetic look and looked back to the lesson.

When the bell finally rang Bon stopped me outside of class. "Rin, it seems like something's up with you lately. We're all kind of wondering what's going on."


"You know what I'm talking about, idiot." Bon growled.

"Well, I guess with this demon I mean yeah things are on my mind. But that's on everyone's mind?" I said stating it like a question.

"But it was before that too." Bon said looking to me for explanation.

"My healing ability was kind of a surprise. I guess I've been thinking about that too. It's no big deal really." I shrugged. It wasn't a lie, technically. It was a surprise.

"Okay, Okumura, whatever you say." he said dropping it for now. I knew he would have felt bad about me healing his burn yesterday if I had told him now. I mean, no matter what someone will be hurt so it's not exactly like they need to know anyways. It doesn't change much for them. I figure, if I can shift the hurt from someone else to myself, that's a good thing right?

(A/N): Sorry for the short chapters. I'm making them all about 1,000 words. It's easier for me to manage that way. Plus, it's easier to transition giving you guys a better story! Woo!

Gotta go, buffalo!

Til next time! :*

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