Chapter 2

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I jolted awake to Yukio standing over my face. "If you don't get ready quickly, we're going to be late."

I hustled around and had just enough time to scarf down my breakfast before rushing out the door. It was a new day and I was still hyped about my extra ability. I got the the courtyard when Shiemi came running up to me. On her way she tripped. She was crying as I rushed up to her and saw her scraped and bloody knees.

"Hey! What did you do to her?" I turned around to see a livid Bon.

"Just back off and give me a minute!" I growled. I placed my hands over the scrapes on Shiemi's knees and used my new ability. I wasn't sure if it was going to work because I've only tried it on Kuro and he's a demon. Soon enough I felt pain in my knees. It turns out, I experience whatever pain I'm healing.

"W-woah I didn't know you could do that!" Konekomaru said.

"Thanks, Rin! That was really cool!" Shiemi said.

"No problem, Shiemi!" I said and turned to Koneko, "I actually didn't know I could do it until a couple days ago! Cool, huh?"

"Yeah, actually." Shima said with a guilty look on his face.

"Look," Shiemi said before I could ask, "I came to apologize for being such a bad friend to you lately. Do you think you could forgive me?"

I felt my knees heal up as I replied, "Of course! Besides, I should be the one to apologize. I should have told you..." I muttered.

"No, she's right." Bon said. I looked up at him, surprise showing clearly on my face. "I'm sorry about assuming you hurt Moriyama. We've been real terrible to you these past few days. We're hoping you can forgive us, too?"

"O-of course!" I stuttered out. "Friends?"

Everyone looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Friends."

I felt my smile grow. Not only could I help people now, I had my friends back. This week was getting better and better! I'm just glad they forgave me so quickly. It's kinda surprising actually. I didn't want to dwell on it too much, though. I had them back and that's all I cared about.

"Oh and guys?" I said, "This may sound like a weird request, but if any of you get hurt I would kind of like practice with my new ability. Don't get hurt on purpose but, if you do, could you come find me?"

"Sounds good to me!" Shima said. Everyone else nodded and agreed.


Over the next few classes I had with them I discovered two things. One, if it was something small like a paper cut, it healed instantly. I felt a little sting and it didn't even show up on my body. Two, Shima gets stabbed with pencils on accident a surprising amount of times. What is he even doing to get stabbed that many times!? Having pencil wars, probably.

The real challenge was gym class. We were doing an activity with the leaper demons, like usual, when one of them got a lucky hit in on Konekomaru.

"Koneko!" Shima yelled out. It looked pretty bad. Of course the teacher was on his phone, not paying any attention.

"Rin! We need you to get over here!" Bon yelled to me, but I was already on my way. I slid the last couple of feet on my knees to get there quicker and frantically searched for the injury. It was a deep gash on his side. I quickly put my hands over it, calculating how long it would take my demonic healing abilities to fix it. It was pretty bad. It would take at least half an hour for it to heal on me. That was going to be a long half hour.

I couldn't hold back a little sound of pain as I felt the injury transfer. I was hoping no one had heard it because then they would just needlessly worry about me. Like I said, it would heal in half an hour. I'll be good.

"Okumura?" Bon said concern trickling into his tone, "You alright?" Even Koneko was already up and looking at me.

I grunted a bit, hoping they didn't hear, before replying, "Yep! As good as ever!" To prove my point I even bounced up to my feet, hiding the wince from the pain my actions caused.

"What are you all doing just standing around?" the teacher yelled. "Class dismissed!" I breathed a sigh of relief before bolting out of class.

With my enhanced hearing I just caught, "is Okumura acting weird or...."

"No, he's definitely acting weird. Something's up."

I was sure they'd figure out more about this ability someday, but I was hoping to push that day back as far as possible. I know them, and they would make me stop using it. That can't happen. I just figured out I can save them! That I have something to fall back on in case something happens.

My next class was my brother's and I knew the first half and hour or so would be hell. It is hard to hide things from Yukio. Especially injuries. It's like he's got this twin brother radar that dings when there's stuff. With Shiemi sitting next to me again, I hoped she wouldn't notice either.

While I was trying to act natural, I made a mistake. I paid attention. I was squirming uncomfortably in my chair, awkwardly trying to check if blood had stained my shirt when Yukio asked, "Rin, are you okay? You're actually paying attention in class and you're squirming around like you have to go to the bathroom."

I was going to reply when I hit my side on the desk with all my squirming. That was definitely not a good thing. I hissed in pain.

"Rin?" This time it was Bon.

"I'm okay, I'm good." Nobody believed me.

"Okay, but we need to talk after class, Rin. This isn't nothing." Yukio said. Crap.

After the first thirty minutes I was fine, just like I predicted, and I even fell asleep. Before I knew it, class was over and everyone was leaving.

As the last person shut the door behind them Yukio turned to me, "So?"

"You have to promise me this stays between us, and you'll let me keep finding out more."

"Rin what happened today?"

"It turns out, whenever I heal someone, I get that injury. Koneko got hurt in gym today and I healed him. Honestly, it was better for me to have it because I heal quicker."

"I won't tell anyone but, Rin, you have to be careful with this! This sounds like something you might go too far with."

"Yukio, I won't, I promise. I'll be careful. I know my limits."

Suddenly, Yukio's phone starts ringing. He listens for a moment before slamming it shut and saying, "We have to get to the boys' dormitory. Now!"

(A/N): Sorry about the slight Doctor Who reference. Not really. I kind of had to throw that in there. :3 This is kind of a cliffhanger but I feel like I'm rushing through the story and I might slow it down a bit.

Toodaloo kangaroo! Til next time! :*

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