Chapter 1, Book 1--Danny

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Hi, I'm Detective Danny Reagan

"Nicky!" *I yell for Nicky to get up* "Don't make me use the air horn cause I will" *Erin looks at me smiling* "What?" I say, "it's the only way to get the kid up"

"Ok, ok. I'm up!" Nicky yelled reluctantly

"Okay" I yelled back *Nicky comes downstairs* "I almost had to get Jack and Sean to wake you up"

"Ugh" Nicky said. "I'm glad you didn't" *glares Jack and Sean*

"They would've jumped on ur bed until you got up" I said smiling

"don't you think your being a bit hard on her?" Frank asked

"no dad" I responded, "anyway, I have to get going, coming dad?"

"yup" Frank responded

"Bye Uncle Danny, have a good day at work!" Nicky yelled

"Okay" *I walk out the door*

**In the car**

*in the car and gets a call* "Reagan, really, Sgt Anthony, yeah, I'll be right there" *calls home* "dad, its me, get to the hospital right away, its Sgt. Anthony, he's hurt"

"I'm on my way" Frank said

"copy that dad" I responded

"What, what happened?" Nicky asked
*I call you* "we don't know yet, we'll find out when we get there"

"Ok." Nicky says worried

"It'll be okay Nicky" I say

Nicky nods her head

*we arrive at the hospital* "what happened Sgt?" I asked Anthony

"I was attacked" Anthony said

"By who?" Nicky asks

"by a bad guy thats been wanted for a while now" Anthony responded

"no, you'll be okay Sgt." I respond

"the same person that killed officer Michelle" Anthony said

"he's going to be dead soon" I responded

"Oh my gosh." Nicky says. "Are you going to be ok?"

"I think so, I just need to rest" Anthony responded

"did you get a fingerprint" I asked

"no but my rookie did" Anthony said

"Jamie" I responded

"Well I hope you feel better" Nicky says caringly

"thanks kid" Anthony responded

"anything yet?" I asked

"all I know is that they need you at the station" Anthony said

"okay, come on Nicky, let's let Sgt. Anthony rest" I said

"Ok" Nicky said

"wanna come to the station with me?" I asked

"Ya, sure" Nicky said

"Okay" I responded

**at the station**

"detective Abigail, what do you need? You wanted to see me?" I asked

"yes, there's been a murder" Abigail said to me

"A murder?" I asked

"Ya, i need you to go check it out" she responded

"what about my niece?" *I asked and pointed to Nicky*

"Ya, bring her with you" Abigail said

"I can't bring her with" *I look at Nicky* "go to my office and wait for me. Do you know where my office is?"

"ya I do" Nicky said

"okay, wait for me there until I get back" I said to her

**police business**

*I go to the scene* "what do you got for me" I ask the Police officer

"Hey Danny, the victims name is Tad Strange" the officer responded

"okay. How old is he?" I ask

"He's a 35 year old Accountant" the officer said

"why was he murdered and by who" I ask again

"Blunt force trauma, and if we knew by who, you wouldn't be here right now" the officer responded

"Was there a license plate number?" I asked, *looks at surveillance on the light post* "MAL0305, Hm, I've seen that license plate number from somewhere"

"Where?" The officer asked

"When officer Michelle got murdered, I remember seeing this plate number" I show the officer

"Ok, did you get a name off it?" The officer asked

"Let's see. Here, his name is Vincent, he lives in a storage unit just under the Manhattan bridge" I responded

"Well go get him" the officer said

"I need the police force to come with me" I said "All units, this is detective Danny Reagan, I need 4 units to come with me to the storage unit just under the Manhattan bridge" I'd say over the com in my car

"Do you want me to go with you?" The officer asked me

"Make sure the units get there and yes" I responded

"Ok" the officer said

**storage unit**

4 police units are there "NYPD, OPEN UP!" I yell "I KNOW YOUR IN THERE VINCENT, COME OUT!" *Vincent comes out but my dad and the other police officers show up* "hey dad, what are you doing here?"

"I heard that you found the guy" Frank said

"Yeah, we are just waiting for him to come out. Its the same guy that murdered officer Michelle" I say "And I wasn't supposed to bring that up, I'm sorry if I brought it up dad, I forgot I wasn't supposed to"

"It's okay" Frank responded

"But its the same guy" I say "NYPD, COME OUT OR WE WILL COME IN VINCENT!" I'd yell

"Vincet, it's the Commissioner. Come out now" Frank yelled

"Dad, what are you doing?" I asme

"Trying to get him to come out" he said to me

"We'll come in then Vincent!" I'd yell

"Go in" Frank says

We go in then Jamie comes with Nicky and of course I try not to get mad at her or Jamie

"You disobeyed me Nicky" I say

"I know" she said

"Why would Jamie bring you there, huh?" I asked sternly

"I begged him too, I'm sorry" Nicky responded

"Your mom can deal with you" I said

We get home

"Hey Erin" I said "guess where your daughter showed up with our kid brother?"

"I dont know" Erin responded

"To the crime scene" I said

"Oh really" Erin looks at Nicky

"I'm sorry mom" Nicky said

"You should be" I said as I hang my coat on the chair

"I'm taking her home" Erin said

"Okay, I have to get home anyway" I responded

Danny Reagan's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora